There was a discussion about striker vehicles...I think the Striker system is great, with very little effort to use in CT (it is even detailed in the Striker Book 2 rules). The only problem that Striker had, was support - i.e. no modules, vehicles, guns, spreadsheets, etc. Another problem was small action combat, as Striker was based on larger scales, though the Striker rules suggest the Azhanti High Lightning system for up close work, as the two systems were VERY compatible.
I am working on some spreadsheets ( I am not that good at it, and it is...comprehensive ) so one can easily design weapons, vehicles, etc for Striker. Any help would be appreciated.
I am also coming up with a list of Starship rules for Striker. The ACTUAL rules are already in the Striker game, just someone needs to apply them to starships. ( You need to do the lasers, missles, etc....use the indirect fire rules for distances greater then a Km, etc.) Again, any help would be appreciated.
Also, am waiting desperately for the Azhanti combat rules, as mine have been lost for some time in the folds of time. I am SO happy that FFE5 will be the Games......
SO: any Striker stuff out there??????
I am working on some spreadsheets ( I am not that good at it, and it is...comprehensive ) so one can easily design weapons, vehicles, etc for Striker. Any help would be appreciated.
I am also coming up with a list of Starship rules for Striker. The ACTUAL rules are already in the Striker game, just someone needs to apply them to starships. ( You need to do the lasers, missles, etc....use the indirect fire rules for distances greater then a Km, etc.) Again, any help would be appreciated.
Also, am waiting desperately for the Azhanti combat rules, as mine have been lost for some time in the folds of time. I am SO happy that FFE5 will be the Games......
SO: any Striker stuff out there??????