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Besides the information in the Rebellion Sourcebook, is there anything detailed in a "canon" source (meaning DGP as well) about the Antares sector?

By detail, I mean subsector & world names, X-Boat routes, etc., as well as any other information. For example, where did the Sabmiqys info come from? Was that TAS or TD?

The reason I ask is that I am going to detail a section there to serve as the backstory to a new TU that I will be generating, so I want to be as consistent as I possibly can. However, that doesn't mean I won't change something to suit my needs. ;)

But for example, a lot of the online atlases have world names & routes, but it is unclear whether they are from a specific source or just pulled out of the air.

AotI springs to mind first. Sabmiqys is originally from TD.

As for the 'canonical' names in the sector, I do remember some complaints about them during the brief period an 'Antares Supernova' project was bandied about at SJGames JTAS.

Hope this little helps. You should really just do whatever you want.

Have fun,
Check out the Challenge magazine which introduced the Sabmiqys in a Contact article. There's a little bit of info in there, mostly in the Amber Zone on how to create a larger scale adventure.

Wish I could be of more assistance,
Some issues of challenge feature info on The Julian Protectorate and an adventure in Antares. There is also Falkayn's Julian Protectorate Site which has a wealth of data, most canonical. It also features a transcript of Mike Mikesh's Julian Protectorate Article from Challenge.

Mendan sector data in Challenge 49 (?), an excellent alien race from the region Hhkar, Challenge 52. You dig deep enough there is lots more. The DGP crew did plan on Antares going supernova, interesting premise.
Thanks for all the pointers, guys, all the help is appreciated.

After doing a little more digging, apparently the Antares data was posted to GEnie by DGP, which is fine by me.

I am going to focus on the Gaakish subsector to detail and use this are to springboard my Exodus idea. Its in between Antares and Core, and from the maps it had scant attention (battle-wise) during the Rebellion. However, its far enough away from Antares that it will be hit significantly by Hard Times.
Challenge also had adventures set in the Hard Times to TNE time frames, written by James Maliszewski I believe.
Not sure if you know of this site (might not be canonical but could be very useful):


There is a bit of info from that site here:

Might be food for thought, especially about Sabmiqys. Sabmiqys is the only tiny little world that I didn't change in order to keep its atmosphere. It remains the great enigma...

As one who has set a significant amount of detail in the Antares region (extrapolating from the TNE timeline at the demise of GDW, to the year 1406 Imperial Reckoning) I'm quite interested in what you're developing - sounds fascinating.
Originally posted by Vargas:
Challenge also had adventures set in the Hard Times to TNE time frames, written by James Maliszewski I believe.
Greg, do you know which issues those would be? I'll keep my eyes open on e-Bay.

Originally posted by hydrozoa:
Not sure if you know of this site (might not be canonical but could be very useful):


There is a bit of info from that site here:

Might be food for thought, especially about Sabmiqys. Sabmiqys is the only tiny little world that I didn't change in order to keep its atmosphere. It remains the great enigma...

As one who has set a significant amount of detail in the Antares region (extrapolating from the TNE timeline at the demise of GDW, to the year 1406 Imperial Reckoning) I'm quite interested in what you're developing - sounds fascinating.
Thanks, hydrozoa, I had forgotten about that site. I snagged the data from there months ago and completely forgot that I had it.

I think that Traveller Central, as well as the BeRKA site, pull the names and data from the same origin, but I have yet to cross-reference.

My idea was born in one of the MegaTraveller threads. The general premise is that within two years of Strephon's assassination, the subsector duke is told by his advisors that psycho-historical projections are predicting the Hard Times (but not Virus). He then decides to leave charted space with as many people as can be mustered.

I was going to use an abandoned ancient portal, but I am leaning away from that for now. I was originally thinking to place this somewhere in Zarushagar or Dagudashag, thus requiring a "quick getaway." Having it in Antares makes a migratory scenario more workable.

So in order to do this, I need to detail the subsector and its leaders, worlds, companies, etc. This allows use in the CT era, MT era, the Exodus scenario and even Hard Times after the people leave (stragglers trying to pick up the trail & such). Then they will set up shop somewhere and create a new pocket empire.

Antares is nice because it is a nice cosmopolitan area to choose from and is in an ideal location for my needs. Now I only need time to do it. :D
The issues in question are somewhere in the area around and after number 70. I'm in a better position to check once I get home.
Bumping the thread here, as the research being done over in the T5 forum regarding updating the UWPs made me check something. Since this is not a UWP question, I figured I would pop it up here.

Something popped into my head about pre-existing info (UWPs) already published about Antares, so I wanted to check it out. It was regarding the whole "Solomani Hypothesis" and the fact that a "Zoological Preserve" had been set up on a planet in the Antares sector.

After doing some digging, I finally found it in the Solomani AM, but no UWP. However, there was a name: Urunishu. So I did some more digging. I went to the (questionable) Sunbane data that is all over the Internet, which points to subsector I as being the Urunishu subsector, but no world there bears that name, nor does any other in the sector.

So the question becomes, what world is Urunishu? If one goes by the assumption that it is in the Urunishu subsector, then it would probably be either Taku (0627) or Alejako(0827) based on the data that indicates both have standard atmospheres.

Rob, if you are reading this thread, can you kick this one up? Any other ideas/comments welcome.

Note that this is more speculation than anything else. The AOTI/Sunbane reconciliation project is jarring a lot of things out of my memory.