TAS may issue Green, Amber, and Red Zone advisories, but that is not the end of it.
TAS only issues Red Zone advisories for the three conditions noted by
Sigg Oddra, above (quarantine, war, and interdiction).
However, it is only Interdiction which actually prohibits people from going to the world. Worlds that are Red Zoned for quarantine and war can still be travelled to (although travel to a quarantine world may result in being unable to go to other ports afterward.
Interdiction itself varies in the degree to which the Interdict is enforced. It still might be possible to travel to a lightly Interdicted world.
Canon says trade is the lifeblood of the Imperium (regardless of what GT:Far Trader statistics show), and we can now see one of the major tools the Imperium has at its disposal to coerce errant Member Worlds (who are engaging is slavery, or not paying their taxes) into doing what it wants, without having to commit active troops on the ground.
However, while the UWP shows TAS advisories, it doesn't show what they are specifically for.
I recommend, at least for worlds Red Zoned by Interdict, the creation of a new Remark:
Intr. Two bits of trailing info are present. A number
Intr:9 from 0-F (indicating the strength of the Interdict, with a need to throw less than the value on 2d6 to avoid intercept when nearing the 100D limit of the world); and a pair of letter codes,
Intr:9:N/Y, where the first code is the entity on public record as ordering the Interdict, and the second code is the private entity requesting the Interdict (if the codes are the same, then there is no subterfuge involved).
The codes would be:
- N = Navy</font>
- S = IISS</font>
- I = Intelligence Agency</font>
- Y = Nobility</font>
Or, with a little work, we can create a UTRP (Univesal Travel Profile).
Field 1: Cause
- 0 = Unknown/Not Admitted</font>
- 1 = Low Intensity Warfare</font>
- 2 = Hostile Populace</font>
- 3 = Adverse Local Laws</font>
- 4 = Hostile Populace & Adverse Local Laws</font>
- 5 = Moderate Intensity Warfare (RoW violation may be imminent.)</font>
- 6 = Anarchic/Uncertain Conditions</font>
- 7 = Combination of Above Factors</font>
- 8 = High Intensity Warfare (RoW violations committed.)</font>
- 9 = Quarantine</font>
- A = Interdict</font>
Field 2: Strength
Field 3: Public Source
- N = Navy</font>
- S = IISS</font>
- I = Intelligence Agency</font>
- Y = Noblity</font>
Field 4: Private Source
- N = Navy</font>
- S = IISS</font>
- I = Intelligence Agency</font>
- Y = Nobility</font>
Note: Cause values of 8, 9, and A are all Red Zone worlds, lower values are Amber Zone worlds.
Note: Strength, in this case, requires a roll on 2d6 to be made. If equal or under the value, the traveller has run afoul of problems relating to the Zone condition.
The UTRP code would would appear in the Remarks area of the UWP, prefixed by T:. Where T:A9NY would represent an Interdict world, throw 9 or less to run afoul of problems (or be caught, etc.), publicly ordered by the IN, privately ordered by a noble with sufficient authority (probably Subsector or Sector noble).