Mr. Oberon
I'm going to unload several new Alternity items in this topic for some of you to enjoy. After a mind shattering 3 days of study on the ship building and combat rules, I have converted the DarkMatter Reactor, StarDrive, and Induction Drive from Alternity.
I was going to convert weapons from Alt to T20, but they more or less matched up fairly well already. The ranges differ some, but overall work.
Try these on for size:
DarkMatter Reactor
TL -: 16
Cost: MCr5 per ton of reactor
Size: as small as 1 ton
EP -: Provides 3 EP per ton of reactor
Fuel: Lasts six months - KCr25 per ton of reactor
Dark matter technology presumes that nonbaryonic dark matter may have properties unknown to 20th century science. Specifically, dark matter can undergo a decay process similar to radioactive decay in which energy is released by the transformation of dark matter to “normal matter”. The mass reactor harnesses this fantastic energy. Like the antimatter reactor, the mass reactor requires no fuel tank; the dark matter and its containment device is already included. The mass reactor requires refueling about once every six months, at a cost equal to KCr25 per ton of the reactor.
Induction Drive
TL -: 16 (for all levels)
Cost: See Below
Size: See Below
EP -: See Below
Fuel: EP only
Hands-down the best engine available at this or any previous Progress Level, the induction engine uses artificial gravity to provide incredible thrust and maneuverability. The induction engine requires no fuel and produces no exhaust; it’s ideal for atmospheric, orbital, or deep-space work.
2-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr3, uses 1 ton of space, and needs 1 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 2-G per round.
4-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr3.5, uses 2.5 tons of space, and needs 1.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 4-Gs per round.
6-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr4, uses 4 tons of space, and needs 2 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 6-Gs per round.
8-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr5.5, uses 5.5 tons of space, and needs 2.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 8-Gs per round.
10-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr7, uses 7 ton of space, and needs 3 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 10-Gs per round.
12-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr8.5, uses 8.5 ton of space, and needs 3.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 12-G per round.
TL -: 16
Cost: MCr10 per drive unit needed
Size: 2.5 tons per drive unit needed
EP -: See Below
Fuel: Powered only by DarkMatter Reactor
The stardrive creates a short-lived, controlled singularity that drops the ship out of normal space and into drivespace, a parallel dimension tied to the real universe. All drivespace submergences last for 121 hours (about five days). A stardrive must be coupled to a mass reactor; no other power system can energize a stardrive. Like the hyperdrive or jump drive, a ship powered by a stardrive must plot its jump carefully; it can't maneuver once it enters drivespace, and nothing can interfere with its progress until it arrives at its destination. The maximum range of a StarDrive is 50 light years. Other than that, A ship is only limited in how far it can go by the amount of power it's DarkMatter reactor can provide.
A StarDrive contains a hardwired computer core for processing jumps and running the drive. It processes all Starfall data and only needs the final formula for the destination. This means that the system only needs one level of computer per 10 light years of the jump. For example: It only takes a Model/5 to jump 50 light years.
It takes 3EP per ton of stardrive (7.5 per DU) to charge the hull of the ship for the jump into drivespace. In addition, enought power must be directed to the drive to open the hole into drivespace for the ship to fall through.
-- -------
05 50
10 100
15 250
20 500
25 750
30 3,000
35 10,000
40 30,000
45 100,000
50 300,000
Thus a ship of 1000 tons would need:
50 tons of stardrive.
200 EP to starfall 5 light years... (7% hull for power)
250 EP to starfall 10 light years... (9% hull for power)
400 EP to starfall 15 light years... (14% hull for power)
650 EP to starfall 20 light years... (22% hull for power)
900 EP to starfall 25 light years... (30% hull for power)
3150 EP to starfall 30 light years... (105% hull for power)
Basicly, the larger the ship, the more power in can provide, and the longer the starfall. Only the largest ships can starfall the full 50 light years in one jump.
Please, If you guys have any comments or ideas, not to mention problems with any of the stats I just uploaded, just drop the message here.
(Edited the StarDrive to relate to T20 Computers)
I was going to convert weapons from Alt to T20, but they more or less matched up fairly well already. The ranges differ some, but overall work.
Try these on for size:
DarkMatter Reactor
TL -: 16
Cost: MCr5 per ton of reactor
Size: as small as 1 ton
EP -: Provides 3 EP per ton of reactor
Fuel: Lasts six months - KCr25 per ton of reactor
Dark matter technology presumes that nonbaryonic dark matter may have properties unknown to 20th century science. Specifically, dark matter can undergo a decay process similar to radioactive decay in which energy is released by the transformation of dark matter to “normal matter”. The mass reactor harnesses this fantastic energy. Like the antimatter reactor, the mass reactor requires no fuel tank; the dark matter and its containment device is already included. The mass reactor requires refueling about once every six months, at a cost equal to KCr25 per ton of the reactor.
Induction Drive
TL -: 16 (for all levels)
Cost: See Below
Size: See Below
EP -: See Below
Fuel: EP only
Hands-down the best engine available at this or any previous Progress Level, the induction engine uses artificial gravity to provide incredible thrust and maneuverability. The induction engine requires no fuel and produces no exhaust; it’s ideal for atmospheric, orbital, or deep-space work.
2-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr3, uses 1 ton of space, and needs 1 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 2-G per round.
4-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr3.5, uses 2.5 tons of space, and needs 1.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 4-Gs per round.
6-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr4, uses 4 tons of space, and needs 2 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 6-Gs per round.
8-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr5.5, uses 5.5 tons of space, and needs 2.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 8-Gs per round.
10-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr7, uses 7 ton of space, and needs 3 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 10-Gs per round.
12-G Induction Drive unit: Cost of MCr8.5, uses 8.5 ton of space, and needs 3.5 EP of power per round. Maximum acceleration of 12-G per round.
TL -: 16
Cost: MCr10 per drive unit needed
Size: 2.5 tons per drive unit needed
EP -: See Below
Fuel: Powered only by DarkMatter Reactor
The stardrive creates a short-lived, controlled singularity that drops the ship out of normal space and into drivespace, a parallel dimension tied to the real universe. All drivespace submergences last for 121 hours (about five days). A stardrive must be coupled to a mass reactor; no other power system can energize a stardrive. Like the hyperdrive or jump drive, a ship powered by a stardrive must plot its jump carefully; it can't maneuver once it enters drivespace, and nothing can interfere with its progress until it arrives at its destination. The maximum range of a StarDrive is 50 light years. Other than that, A ship is only limited in how far it can go by the amount of power it's DarkMatter reactor can provide.
A StarDrive contains a hardwired computer core for processing jumps and running the drive. It processes all Starfall data and only needs the final formula for the destination. This means that the system only needs one level of computer per 10 light years of the jump. For example: It only takes a Model/5 to jump 50 light years.
It takes 3EP per ton of stardrive (7.5 per DU) to charge the hull of the ship for the jump into drivespace. In addition, enought power must be directed to the drive to open the hole into drivespace for the ship to fall through.
-- -------
05 50
10 100
15 250
20 500
25 750
30 3,000
35 10,000
40 30,000
45 100,000
50 300,000
Thus a ship of 1000 tons would need:
50 tons of stardrive.
200 EP to starfall 5 light years... (7% hull for power)
250 EP to starfall 10 light years... (9% hull for power)
400 EP to starfall 15 light years... (14% hull for power)
650 EP to starfall 20 light years... (22% hull for power)
900 EP to starfall 25 light years... (30% hull for power)
3150 EP to starfall 30 light years... (105% hull for power)
Basicly, the larger the ship, the more power in can provide, and the longer the starfall. Only the largest ships can starfall the full 50 light years in one jump.
Please, If you guys have any comments or ideas, not to mention problems with any of the stats I just uploaded, just drop the message here.

(Edited the StarDrive to relate to T20 Computers)