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Adventure Group


SOC-14 5K
This is my idea for an adventure group:

A Type-T patrol cruiser crewed by a wealthy traveller, two or three ex-scouts, an ex-navy officer and several ex-naval ratings. They're on the edge of Lishun Sector and have been hired and equipped by a streched-thin Imperial Navy to investigate a series of odd Vargr raids. This leads them deep into the Extents on a search for clues.
From a building project I've been playing with:

Crew of the Detached Duty Scout Wayward Dream, from a FFW TNS posting:

Commanding Officer, Navigator
Name: Dallas Taylor Imperial human male
Home World: Colony Five / Reft
A898A7 age: 46 apparent age: 46
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Detached Duty office
Rank: E9 Senior Supervisor Pension: 14000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Laser Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 1,
Pilot - 1, Guard/Hunt Beast - 1, Navigation - 1, Gambling - 1,
Commo - 1, Carousing - 1, Mechanical - 1, Brawling - 1,
Admin - 1, Disguise - 1, Small Blade - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Sensor Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 130000
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon,

Executive Officer, Pilot
Name: Tara Ryan Imperial human female
Home World: Natoko / Spinward Marches
6A4686 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Scouts Field Commo office
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Pilot - 2, Liaison - 1, Gambling - 1,
Property: none Credits: 0

Chief Engineer
Name: Urjasz Zabawska other human male
Home World: Glisten / Spinward Marches
79A878 age: 30 apparent age: 30
Career: Merchant Megacorp Deck office
Rank: O2 3rd Officer
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,
Steward - 1, Gambling - 1, Mechanical - 1, Admin - 4,
Engineering - 3, Small Blade - 1, Pilot - 2,
Property: none Credits: 110000

Steward / Drive Hand / Communications Operator
Name: Norin Laris Darrian male
Home World: Darrian / Spinward Marches
785976 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Navy Planetary Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E5 Section Leader Pension: 5000
Awards: Hero Medals: 1st Classx2, 2nd Classx3, 3rd Classx2, Purple Heartx4, Combat Ribbonsx6,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 1,
Liaison - 2, Commo - 1, Zero-G - 1, Brawling - 1,
Ships Boat - 1, Mechanical - 1, Electronics - 1, Small Blade - 1,
Steward - 1, Gambling - 2, Leadership - 1,
Property: IG Laser Pistol, Credits: 90000

Name: Ruffus J. Oleander Imperial human male
Home World: Magash / Deneb
674B67 age: 26 apparent age: 26
Career: Merchant Subsector-wide line Purser office medic
Rank: O3 Medic
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Medical - 3, Steward - 2, Turret Weap - 1, Trader - 1,
Property: Laser Pistol Credits: 5000

Name: Tetradia Ishshu Imperial human female
Home World: Neuman / Reft
588786 age: 31 apparent age: 31
Career: Marines Infantry branch
Rank: E5 Sargent
Awards: MCUFx2, Combat Ribbonsx6,
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 0,
Long Blade - 1, SubMG - 1, Tactics - 2, Heavy Weap - 1,
Recon - 1,
Property: High Passage, Credits: 20000

Cargo Handler
Name: Kizzy Fenwick other human female
Home World: Lunion / Spinward Marches
668449 age: 30 apparent age: 30
Career: Army Infantry branch
Rank: E4 Lance Sargent
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Mechanical - 1, Electronics - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 1, SubMG - 1, Gambling - 1, Tactics - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Cargo Handler
Name: Uektsadh Vargr male
Home World: Rhylanor / Spinward Marches
8C5977 age: 28 apparent age: 28
Career: Loner
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Zero-G - 2, SubMG - 2,
Vacc Suit - 1, Electronics - 1, Gambling - 1,
Property: Submachine Gun Credits: 100000

All generated using a MT character generator written by Greg Svenson.
I added the names, using either Traveller Language tables, Chris Olsons language page, and/or Kate Monks naming pages.
AWW nuts we have too many people on this little ball of dirt as is but that is a nasty way to go. I wish we as a race of people could get our act together.