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i am new to traveller
when generating a characters,doing there abilitys,
homeworld,generate level charcter and go through prior history,how does education and social standing fit in.The book not clear on this(T20).
Social Standing determines what social class you are in, and if you are a member of the nobility. It can also be used in place of Charisma for some skills.

Education is the prime stat for many skills, most importantly any of the Technical skills.
Originally posted by houghs:
how does education and social standing fit in
Education is used as the Key Ability for several skills and may be increased by attending higher education or as a material benefit during Prior History. Social Standing determines ones social class, and, given the Noble feat Noble Indulgence, can be used as the Key Ability for Bluff, Bribery and Intimidate; Soc also has a chance of being increased as a material benefit during Prior History.