A-A67721-G-A G8iv-12 1.05
System Data:
Primary: Delta Moravia; Spectral Class: G8iv; Stellar Luminosity: 4.0; Stellar Radii: 2.2; Stellar Masses: 2.0; Habitable Planets: 1- New Texas; Other Planets: (1) Hot Rock, (2) Caliente, (3) Dustball, (4) New Venus, (5) New Texas, (6) Boot Hill, (7) Peterson’s Rock, (8) Tombstone(GG), (9) Rings (GG), (10) Frio, (11) Rio Muerto (GG), (12) Lost Rock. There are three Asteroid belts in the system, Belt 1 occupies the region between New Texas and Boot Hill, Belt 2 Occupies the region between Peterson’s Rock, and Tombstone, Belt 3 is located between Rings and Frio. All belts have been the source of rich finds of Rare Earths to include Lanthanum, and Dysprosium. Onnesium has been found in small amounts in Belt 3. There are extensive Orbital and spaceborne factory complexes throughout the system. All planets have at least minimal facilities for handling spacecraft landing and cargo transfer. Tombstone is a major refueling point for those vessels that are just passing through the New Texas system. Rings (9) is the site of a base for scientific study of Gas Giants.
Planetary Data
Diameter: 10,000 miles (16,000 Kilometers); Atmosphere: Terran Standard, actual pressure is 1.08 Atmospheres; Hydrographics: 75.5% water; Six continents, numerous islands and archipelagos; Population: 389,756,893 as of Census of 1100 ( approximately 26 million off planet on intrasystem colonies and factories); Government Type: Participatory Democracy; Law Level: 1 Explosive and NBC devices prohibited. NOTE: ALL adult New Texans go armed, this is almost a sacred right to them. Tech Level: G; Actual tech level for most products is D-E (13-14) but in Computer and Electronics technology, the level is G (16). Gravity: 1.15 which is low for a planet of this size, but the mass is low due to a lack of heavy metals, which are more than abundantly present on the other worlds. There are sufficient for the sustenance of life, but does present a problem for extensive industry. Axial Tilt: 8% Orbital Eccentricity: .100% Year: 3.64 Terran Standard Racial Mix: Terran Human- 89%, Aslan- 8%, other- 3%
Climate And Biosphere:
The Climate is Terran with generally slightly less exaggerated seasons due to the axial tilt and orbital eccentricity. The year is 3.64 Terran Standard years long. This had led to the extensive use of greenhouses in the winter “Months”. Plant and animal lifeforms are edible by Terran descended lifeforms, and the same goes for the local life, which finds Terran lifeforms tasty. There are few truly dangerous species, but those that exist are very dangerous. Native lifeforms tend towards hexapodal symmetry and are generally larger than their Terran Counterparts. Terran plants have been genetically engineered for the longer seasons. The New Texas “SuperCow” is known throughout the Sector and even further as a prime source of excellent meat. These animals are about the size of a small locomotive, and have the temperament of Terran Bison. They are omnivorous, with a preference towards plant intake. When startled, the herd turns and charges towards the threat. They are extremely dangerous.
The most dangerous predator is the New Texas “Six Wolf” that travels in packs and has been known to track Humans for days. They are about the size of a Terran Lion and just as tough to kill.
Government and Local Customs:
The Officially listed Government is a Participatory Democracy, a participatory anarchy would perhaps be much more correct. Texans have had a traditional history of general intransigence to higher government, including the periods under the United States, and later under Imperial Rule. The Texan insurgent movement was so extensive, nay enthusiastic, that when the Governor and other leading members of the Texas Republic proposed to the Imperial Governor that they be allowed to leave, the Imperial Governor agreed rapidly. So over a five year period, massive colonial vessels were constructed, and the Texans departed Terra lock, stock and Alamo. However while they were working on the project, attacks on Imperial troops didn’t stop, they increased; “Just to Keep ‘em honest”. One of the last things that the Texans took down was a small limestone mission fort in the center of San Antonio and lovingly moved it stone by stone to New Texas where they built an entire culture and lifestyle around it.
New Texas did not go too much into the culture of the past, but built on their world with as high a technology as possible. By Texan law, all major pollution producing industries are required to be off planet. Intentional polluting or dumping is a mandatory death penalty. By stern law and tradition, all Texans are allowed, almost required to carry a gun, and know how to use it. Since Supercows are herded by light armored vehicle, Texans feel that it is kinda stupid to let a rancher have his tanks, and forbid a man his pistol. The large Ranchers tend to have a great deal of political power but they are careful how they use it.
One of the most peculiar institutions that the New Texans have, is the right of political assassination. If a citizen kills a politician he must prove to “The Court of Political Justice” that the killing was needed. Some of the reasons that it might be justified: Proposing an Income Tax, Suggesting Gun Control, Being a Liberal, Infringing upon the rights of the people.
Every three months the Government allows the people to vote on propositions that need the people’s approval. The Government is headed by an elected President, and Vice President, and represented by a Senate and House of Representatives. There is NO INCOME TAX. Taxes are a small 10% sales tax, a 1% business tax, and a Lottery. Most Texans contribute to the Lottery at least 1 New Texas Dollar a week, and usually more. The New Texans sole standing military force is the Navy and Marines which protect the system. They are an elite force. The planetary military is provided by the New Texas Rangers, and the militia forces of the large ranchers.
Some of the Strange customs of New Texas: Wearing of Hats, almost all male New Texans wear what are called “Cowboy Hats”. Another custom is the wearing of Guns: All adult New Texans are “heeled”, and most public restaraunts and saloons have places to check your gun. Wearing “Levi’s”, a descendant of traditional dress from the Texas past. Dueling is legal, and deadly force is completely authorized for the suppression of crime. Most New Texans are considered either “mad” or at least eccentric by other people throughout the sector. Boots are considered de Rigeur as well as a proper floral carved gunbelt. New Texas breweries make a good beer, but New Texans prefer Friedland beer, and this is a major import along with Caledonian Scotch. Most everything on New Texas is “Super” something, and this includes Superbourbon which is made out of Super yams, and is bottled at 120 proof. It takes a strong person to drink it straight.
New Texans feel that government must be kept small and helpless to be your servant otherwise it becomes your master. And so the strings to the purse are very tightly controlled by the citizens. Elected Officials have an official Term limit of two terms, and after that they may NEVER hold another government office. Of course there is always the “Unofficial .44 caliber term limitation”.
Major Population Centers:
New Austin (Capital)- 500,000 (Includes New Texas Down Port)
New Dallas- 650,000
New Houston- 800,000
New San Antonio- 350,000
New Waco- 125,000
New El Paso- 200,000
Rio Verde- 86,000
Rio Blanco- 80,000
New Nacogdoches- 56,000
Temple- 50,000
New Port Arthur- 67,000
Port Isabel- 65,000 (Includes Port Isabel Down Port)
High Walls- 110,000
New Texas Orbital- capacity- 100 vessels
New Texas Gateway Orbital- capacity- 120 vessels
New Texas Down Port- capacity- 120 vessels
Port Isabel Down- capacity- 50 vessels
Port Neuces Down- capacity- 50 vessels
Port New Galveston Down- 80 Vessels
The lifeblood of New Texas is Trade. The 10% sales tax applies to every sales transaction except for food and medicine. Tariffs on incoming goods have a 1% upcharge, which has made New Texas both rich and popular for many off-planet mercantile firms. Many Free Traders fly official New Texas colors for just that reason. New Texas has approximately 37% of all Sector Free Traders registered out of New Texas and 11% of all other vessels due to the extremely favorable rates.
Major Imports are Luxury goods from the Imperium, Caledonian finished wool products, exotic wood, Frieldander Beer, Caledonian Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Aslan products, and Heavy Military Vehicles. The major New Texas export items are Computers and Electronics, Starship Components, Personal Weapons, Rare Earth’s and Food Stuffs. New Texas shipyards keep busy with the construction of new vessels as well as the upgrading of older classes of ships. Repair and overhaul contracts are an important source of income for the New Texas industries. All New Texas yards have construction agreements with Caledonia which is mutually beneficial to both parties.
Planetary policing is handled exclusively by the forces of the New Texas Rangers and the Department of Public Safety, which assists the local Sheriff’s Depts. and Municipal Police Departments. The New Texas Rangers have a reputation of doing whatever it takes to get their man. Lawbreakers are not safe from the Rangers no matter where they run. The Rangers are organized as a Paramilitary force, and are traditionally heavily armed.
All of the big ranchers have a fairly large force of light armor, and other military type vehicles. And of Course every family has their own pistols, rifles, shotguns, and occasionally light anti-armor weapon.
[This message has been edited by Murph (edited 28 April 2001).]
A-A67721-G-A G8iv-12 1.05
System Data:
Primary: Delta Moravia; Spectral Class: G8iv; Stellar Luminosity: 4.0; Stellar Radii: 2.2; Stellar Masses: 2.0; Habitable Planets: 1- New Texas; Other Planets: (1) Hot Rock, (2) Caliente, (3) Dustball, (4) New Venus, (5) New Texas, (6) Boot Hill, (7) Peterson’s Rock, (8) Tombstone(GG), (9) Rings (GG), (10) Frio, (11) Rio Muerto (GG), (12) Lost Rock. There are three Asteroid belts in the system, Belt 1 occupies the region between New Texas and Boot Hill, Belt 2 Occupies the region between Peterson’s Rock, and Tombstone, Belt 3 is located between Rings and Frio. All belts have been the source of rich finds of Rare Earths to include Lanthanum, and Dysprosium. Onnesium has been found in small amounts in Belt 3. There are extensive Orbital and spaceborne factory complexes throughout the system. All planets have at least minimal facilities for handling spacecraft landing and cargo transfer. Tombstone is a major refueling point for those vessels that are just passing through the New Texas system. Rings (9) is the site of a base for scientific study of Gas Giants.
Planetary Data
Diameter: 10,000 miles (16,000 Kilometers); Atmosphere: Terran Standard, actual pressure is 1.08 Atmospheres; Hydrographics: 75.5% water; Six continents, numerous islands and archipelagos; Population: 389,756,893 as of Census of 1100 ( approximately 26 million off planet on intrasystem colonies and factories); Government Type: Participatory Democracy; Law Level: 1 Explosive and NBC devices prohibited. NOTE: ALL adult New Texans go armed, this is almost a sacred right to them. Tech Level: G; Actual tech level for most products is D-E (13-14) but in Computer and Electronics technology, the level is G (16). Gravity: 1.15 which is low for a planet of this size, but the mass is low due to a lack of heavy metals, which are more than abundantly present on the other worlds. There are sufficient for the sustenance of life, but does present a problem for extensive industry. Axial Tilt: 8% Orbital Eccentricity: .100% Year: 3.64 Terran Standard Racial Mix: Terran Human- 89%, Aslan- 8%, other- 3%
Climate And Biosphere:
The Climate is Terran with generally slightly less exaggerated seasons due to the axial tilt and orbital eccentricity. The year is 3.64 Terran Standard years long. This had led to the extensive use of greenhouses in the winter “Months”. Plant and animal lifeforms are edible by Terran descended lifeforms, and the same goes for the local life, which finds Terran lifeforms tasty. There are few truly dangerous species, but those that exist are very dangerous. Native lifeforms tend towards hexapodal symmetry and are generally larger than their Terran Counterparts. Terran plants have been genetically engineered for the longer seasons. The New Texas “SuperCow” is known throughout the Sector and even further as a prime source of excellent meat. These animals are about the size of a small locomotive, and have the temperament of Terran Bison. They are omnivorous, with a preference towards plant intake. When startled, the herd turns and charges towards the threat. They are extremely dangerous.
The most dangerous predator is the New Texas “Six Wolf” that travels in packs and has been known to track Humans for days. They are about the size of a Terran Lion and just as tough to kill.
Government and Local Customs:
The Officially listed Government is a Participatory Democracy, a participatory anarchy would perhaps be much more correct. Texans have had a traditional history of general intransigence to higher government, including the periods under the United States, and later under Imperial Rule. The Texan insurgent movement was so extensive, nay enthusiastic, that when the Governor and other leading members of the Texas Republic proposed to the Imperial Governor that they be allowed to leave, the Imperial Governor agreed rapidly. So over a five year period, massive colonial vessels were constructed, and the Texans departed Terra lock, stock and Alamo. However while they were working on the project, attacks on Imperial troops didn’t stop, they increased; “Just to Keep ‘em honest”. One of the last things that the Texans took down was a small limestone mission fort in the center of San Antonio and lovingly moved it stone by stone to New Texas where they built an entire culture and lifestyle around it.
New Texas did not go too much into the culture of the past, but built on their world with as high a technology as possible. By Texan law, all major pollution producing industries are required to be off planet. Intentional polluting or dumping is a mandatory death penalty. By stern law and tradition, all Texans are allowed, almost required to carry a gun, and know how to use it. Since Supercows are herded by light armored vehicle, Texans feel that it is kinda stupid to let a rancher have his tanks, and forbid a man his pistol. The large Ranchers tend to have a great deal of political power but they are careful how they use it.
One of the most peculiar institutions that the New Texans have, is the right of political assassination. If a citizen kills a politician he must prove to “The Court of Political Justice” that the killing was needed. Some of the reasons that it might be justified: Proposing an Income Tax, Suggesting Gun Control, Being a Liberal, Infringing upon the rights of the people.
Every three months the Government allows the people to vote on propositions that need the people’s approval. The Government is headed by an elected President, and Vice President, and represented by a Senate and House of Representatives. There is NO INCOME TAX. Taxes are a small 10% sales tax, a 1% business tax, and a Lottery. Most Texans contribute to the Lottery at least 1 New Texas Dollar a week, and usually more. The New Texans sole standing military force is the Navy and Marines which protect the system. They are an elite force. The planetary military is provided by the New Texas Rangers, and the militia forces of the large ranchers.
Some of the Strange customs of New Texas: Wearing of Hats, almost all male New Texans wear what are called “Cowboy Hats”. Another custom is the wearing of Guns: All adult New Texans are “heeled”, and most public restaraunts and saloons have places to check your gun. Wearing “Levi’s”, a descendant of traditional dress from the Texas past. Dueling is legal, and deadly force is completely authorized for the suppression of crime. Most New Texans are considered either “mad” or at least eccentric by other people throughout the sector. Boots are considered de Rigeur as well as a proper floral carved gunbelt. New Texas breweries make a good beer, but New Texans prefer Friedland beer, and this is a major import along with Caledonian Scotch. Most everything on New Texas is “Super” something, and this includes Superbourbon which is made out of Super yams, and is bottled at 120 proof. It takes a strong person to drink it straight.
New Texans feel that government must be kept small and helpless to be your servant otherwise it becomes your master. And so the strings to the purse are very tightly controlled by the citizens. Elected Officials have an official Term limit of two terms, and after that they may NEVER hold another government office. Of course there is always the “Unofficial .44 caliber term limitation”.
Major Population Centers:
New Austin (Capital)- 500,000 (Includes New Texas Down Port)
New Dallas- 650,000
New Houston- 800,000
New San Antonio- 350,000
New Waco- 125,000
New El Paso- 200,000
Rio Verde- 86,000
Rio Blanco- 80,000
New Nacogdoches- 56,000
Temple- 50,000
New Port Arthur- 67,000
Port Isabel- 65,000 (Includes Port Isabel Down Port)
High Walls- 110,000
New Texas Orbital- capacity- 100 vessels
New Texas Gateway Orbital- capacity- 120 vessels
New Texas Down Port- capacity- 120 vessels
Port Isabel Down- capacity- 50 vessels
Port Neuces Down- capacity- 50 vessels
Port New Galveston Down- 80 Vessels
The lifeblood of New Texas is Trade. The 10% sales tax applies to every sales transaction except for food and medicine. Tariffs on incoming goods have a 1% upcharge, which has made New Texas both rich and popular for many off-planet mercantile firms. Many Free Traders fly official New Texas colors for just that reason. New Texas has approximately 37% of all Sector Free Traders registered out of New Texas and 11% of all other vessels due to the extremely favorable rates.
Major Imports are Luxury goods from the Imperium, Caledonian finished wool products, exotic wood, Frieldander Beer, Caledonian Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Aslan products, and Heavy Military Vehicles. The major New Texas export items are Computers and Electronics, Starship Components, Personal Weapons, Rare Earth’s and Food Stuffs. New Texas shipyards keep busy with the construction of new vessels as well as the upgrading of older classes of ships. Repair and overhaul contracts are an important source of income for the New Texas industries. All New Texas yards have construction agreements with Caledonia which is mutually beneficial to both parties.
Planetary policing is handled exclusively by the forces of the New Texas Rangers and the Department of Public Safety, which assists the local Sheriff’s Depts. and Municipal Police Departments. The New Texas Rangers have a reputation of doing whatever it takes to get their man. Lawbreakers are not safe from the Rangers no matter where they run. The Rangers are organized as a Paramilitary force, and are traditionally heavily armed.
All of the big ranchers have a fairly large force of light armor, and other military type vehicles. And of Course every family has their own pistols, rifles, shotguns, and occasionally light anti-armor weapon.
[This message has been edited by Murph (edited 28 April 2001).]