SOC-14 1K
Anyone got a deck of cards?
Seriously - what does your crew do for their week in Jumspace if they aren't cold-sleeping?
I'm designing a 100 Ton Scout/Courier with 4 crew and I've included the obvious lifesupport equipment but what about entertainment?
Each stateroom has a datacanvas that is capable of running Lan Games and also has a vast library of books and vids. There's a communal holoprojector in the recc area aswell as a communal eating area.
I'm interested in new ideas though so, anyone got anything unusual their crew does in Jumpspace?
Seriously - what does your crew do for their week in Jumspace if they aren't cold-sleeping?
I'm designing a 100 Ton Scout/Courier with 4 crew and I've included the obvious lifesupport equipment but what about entertainment?
Each stateroom has a datacanvas that is capable of running Lan Games and also has a vast library of books and vids. There's a communal holoprojector in the recc area aswell as a communal eating area.
I'm interested in new ideas though so, anyone got anything unusual their crew does in Jumpspace?