• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

A few things I've noticed so far

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p. 154: Text following the caption Personal / Vehicle Communication and Sensor ranges and before the range table seems to be out of place. And how is that range table used?

p. 154: Aslan speed listed as 18m/15m, but as 12m/9m on p. 150.

p. 144: Size modifiers are different from those used in T/Sensor skill. Is this intentional?

p. 165: Vehicle Speed/Damage on Target Table - how is this used? Don't see it referenced anywhere.

p. 168: Discussion of Affected Area refers to sub-areas on the Vehicle Internal Hit Location table, but I don't see any such animal.
Originally posted by Railsplitter:
p. 154: Text following the caption Personal / Vehicle Communication and Sensor ranges and before the range table seems to be out of place. And how is that range table used?
Yes there should be further accompanying text explaining that the table below is for Personal/Vehicle Comm and Sensor ranges.

p. 154: Aslan speed listed as 18m/15m, but as 12m/9m on p. 150.
Pg 154 is correct

p. 144: Size modifiers are different from those used in T/Sensor skill. Is this intentional?
For Ship Detection use the rules on page 144.

p. 165: Vehicle Speed/Damage on Target Table - how is this used? Don't see it referenced anywhere.
It is part of the collision rules starting on page 163. It somehow got orphaned.

p. 168: Discussion of Affected Area refers to sub-areas on the Vehicle Internal Hit Location table, but I don't see any such animal.[/qb]
Page 164

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