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A couple Ursa-related questions


Hello all, this may not be the right forumto ask these questions, but it seemed to come the closest (IMO)

1) Do Ursa have articulated hands/paws like the Vargr? Or are their paws unchanged by their Uplift-ing?

I believe that they do have articulated hands, but am looking to find if this is addresssed in canon anywhere.

2) What is meant by an "Imperial Ursa" world? In the Gateway PDF a number of worlds are labeled "IU", which stands for Imerpial Ursa world.

Does this mean anything specific, or just that a large number of Ursa reside thereupon? (How's that for a MCr word?)

Thanks in advance for any help.
Can`t answer for the first one, but the second is Ursa "protected" Imperial world...

where they can be in peace and where they "rule" (IIRC)
Hey Kane.

OK, firstly, the Ursa do indeed have fingers capable of manipulating objects. The Linkworlds mini-campaign has the Ursa of Miip using muzzle-loading rifle-muskets (similar to a flintlock Kentucky long-rifle or an Springfield percussion cap rifle). These take fine manipulation to operate. Also, why would even the Solomani uplift an animal to sentience and not provide them with the basic tools of interact with society?

(Hey, MJD, I just quoted your work as CANON, man! How cool is that?!) :eek:

Secondly, an "Imperial Ursa" system is just a world where there are significant populations of Ursa (in comparison to the rest of the population).

That help?
Originally posted by R_Kane:
1) Do Ursa have articulated hands/paws like the Vargr? Or are their paws unchanged by their Uplift-ing?

I believe that they do have articulated hands, but am looking to find if this is addresssed in canon anywhere.
Best I can do is...

- The Gateway Domain PDF says "Ursa are detailed in the THB" (waiting for reprint), but it does mention that "Perhaps as a reaction to the ease with which they can deal out violence, Ursa are great craftsmen and love to make fine things. They take great joy in jobs that let them create something (this can range from farming through carpentry to naval architecture), but intensely dislike to destroy anything."

- The Linkworlds Cluster mini-setting features a TL 3 planet where the Ursa hunt wild game "with their lovingly made TL-3 rifle-muskets".

It seems to me that this very strongly suggests articulated hands without actually saying so.