I've put together a couple of web pages for T5:
Both run client-side java-script, there is no server processing. You are welcome to look at the source code (caveat: I'm not a web developer/programmer). Any comments/thoughts/critique welcome.
Apricus Computer-1, Programmer-0
I've put together a couple of web pages for T5:
- Random Citizen generator - runs through the character generation process for Citizens only, until a specified age (or until they fail citizen life/forced retirement/death). I thought it may be useful if a number of random citizens were wanted. It is currently hosted at: https://lively-mud-0b704e303.azurestaticapps.net/
- Quick Ship Maker web app using the algorithm Robject describes in XBoat No. 1. By default, the web app does limit tonnage to 2400. It is currently hosted at: https://witty-flower-07b53b703.azurestaticapps.net
Both run client-side java-script, there is no server processing. You are welcome to look at the source code (caveat: I'm not a web developer/programmer). Any comments/thoughts/critique welcome.
Apricus Computer-1, Programmer-0