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40 Characters (Long Post)


SOC-14 5K
Okay, so I'm using this MegaTraveller Character Generation program, and have a bunch of characters from it. They are mostly human (and Imperial, but there's one Zho, one Vilani and three or four "others") with several K'Kree, Vargr and Aslan in there. Even if no-one ever uses any as a PC, they could be excellent opponents, patrons or "scenery." Yes, I will be adding to this irregularly...

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
4 12 6 12 9 5 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = high
law = low
government = part. democracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Hunter
Rank: E3 (Army Artillery E3 ret.)
Awards: MCG, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Psi - 11, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, Swimming - 1,
Stealth - 2, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Mass Drivers - 1, Forgery - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Teleportation - 11, Telekinesis - 11, Hunting - 1,
Guard/Hunt Beast - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.T.S. other human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 11 11 9 11 8 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad OTC law = low
Technical Academy grad honors government = feudal
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Support branch
Rank: O1 2nd Lieutenant
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Stealth - 1, Research - 1,
Acting - 1, Swimming - 1, Mechanical - 2, Electronics - 1,
Gravitics - 1, Robotics - 2, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Robot Ops - 1,
Laser Weap - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 5 5 5 5 9 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Free Trader Purser office medic
Rank: O1
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Rifleman - 0,
Screens - 3, Admin - 2, Carousing - 1, Medical - 1,
Streetwise - 3, Trader - 3, Ships Boat - 1, Gambling - 2,
Liaison - 1, Steward - 1, Legal - 1,
Property: Credits: 55000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
7 10 7 11 10 11 size = small
age: 39 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 39 hydro =
population = moderate
law = low
government = other dictator
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Rogue medic Pension: 10000
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Dance - 2, Disguise - 1, Mechanical - 1,
SubMG - 0, Streetwise - 5, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Carousing - 1,
Brawling - 2, Intrusion - 2, Leadership - 1, Demolitions - 2,
Medical - 1, Gambling - 1, Forgery - 1, Interview - 1,

Property: Credits: 10000
Weapon, Travellers Aid Society,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 8 15 9 9 12 size = asteroid
age: 38 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 38 hydro = desert
population = moderate
law = low
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E9 Master Chief Petty Officer Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Vacc Suit - 7, Sling - 1,
Laser Weap - 1, Navigation - 1, Carousing - 1, Intrusion - 1,
Forgery - 1, Zero-G - 1, Fleet Tactics - 1, Gambling - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Recruiting - 1, Liaison - 1, Brawling - 1,
Ship Tactics - 1, Admin - 1,
Property: Credits: 30000
Travellers Aid Society, High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 10 10 10 15 5 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
University grad OTC law = high
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Artillery branch medic
Rank: O3 Captain
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heartx2, Command Clustersx3, Combat Ribbonsx5,
Psi - 9, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Polearm - 1,
Handgun - 1, Brawling - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Leadership - 2,
Instruction - 2, Meteorology - 1, Mechanical - 4, Sociology - 1,
Acting - 1, Gravitics - 1, Admin - 1, Electronics - 1,
Medical - 1, Research - 1, Naval Architect - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1,
SubMG - 1, Telepathy - 9, Telekinesis - 9, Tactics - 2,
Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 11 12 4 8 10 size = medium
age: 54 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 54 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad NOTC law = moderate
Medical School graduate government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Merchant Fledgling line medic
Rank: O6 Senior Captain(Navy Medical O4 ret.) Pension: 12000
Awards: Purple Heartx2, Combat Ribbons,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Farming - 1, Survival - 1,
Robot Ops - 1, Electronics - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Medical - 5,
Admin - 4, Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Bribery - 3,
Ship Tactics - 1, Engineering - 1, Legal - 4, Broker - 3,
Navigation - 2, Trader - 3, Leadership - 2, Steward - 2,
Carousing - 1, Brawling - 1,
Property: Credits: 72500
Free Trader (40 year loan), Weapon, High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 6 7 6 9 8 size = small
age: 39 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 39 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = feudal
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: journalist
Rank: O1 Reporter(Merchant Engineering O0 ret.)
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1,
Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 1, Engineering - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Jack-o-Trades - 1, Admin - 2, Chemistry - 1, Tactics - 2,
Persuasion - 3, Small Blade - 1, Forgery - 1, Disguise - 1,
Bribery - 1, Special Psi - 6,
Property: Credits: 20000
Recorder, Weapon, High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 8 6 7 12 5 size = medium
age: 25 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 25 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Engineering branch
Rank: E3 Spacehand
Awards: SEH, Combat Ribbons,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, History - 1, Survival - 1,
Dance - 1, Boomerang - 1, Astronomy - 1, Sophontology - 1,
Archaeology - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Engineering - 1,
Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

population = moderate
University grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Engineering branch
Rank: E3 Spacehand
Awards: SEH, Combat Ribbons,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, History - 1, Survival - 1,
Dance - 1, Boomerang - 1, Astronomy - 1, Sophontology - 1,
Archaeology - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Engineering - 1,
Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
12 7 3 8 11 5 size = small
age: 20 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 20 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = high
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scientist
Discoveries: minor,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 0, Electronics - 1,
Gravitics - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 8 6 13 12 7 size = large
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = no
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Infantry branch
Rank: E4 Lance Sargent
Awards: Combat Ribbonsx2,
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Vacc Suit - 2,
Tactics - 1, Forgery - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.T.S. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 14 8 11 10 12 size = medium
age: 40 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 40 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad law = low
Technical Academy grad honors government = religious auto.
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: wealthy traveller
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 4, Farming - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Electronics - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 2, Genetics - 1, Handgun - 0,
Vacc Suit - 3, Small Boat - 1, Perception - 2, Bribery - 1,
Herding - 4, Intrusion - 1, Robotics - 1, Streetwise - 1,

Property: Credits: 95000
Travellers Aid Society,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 6 14 8 8 5 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Pirate
Rank: O2 Warrior
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Paint/Sculpture - 2, Survival - 1,
Prop Aircraft - 1, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Personal Weap - 1,
Dewclaw - 1, Independence - 5, Screens - 1, Tolerance - 1,

Property: Credits: 30000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 7 7 9 12 4 size = medium
age: 66 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 62 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Bureaucrat
Rank: O6 Director Pension: 20000
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 4, Rifleman - 4, Brawling - 2,
Broker - 2, Admin - 3, Liaison - 1, Carousing - 2,
Jack-o-Trades - 3, Persuasion - 1, Trader - 1, Leadership - 3,
Recruiting - 1, Tactics - 1, Artisan - 1, Linguistics - 1,

Property: Credits: 80000
Watch (value 400), High Passagex3, Middle Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 9 10 11 7 9 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: wealthy traveller
Rank: O4 (Merchant Engineering O4 ret.)
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Equestrian - 2, Dance - 1,
Stealth - 1, Rifleman - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Electronics - 2,
Engineering - 3, Admin - 4, Gravitics - 3, Brawling - 2,
Gambling - 2, Streetwise - 1, Legal - 1, Bribery - 1,
Leadership - 1, Navigation - 1, Trader - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Broker - 1,
Property: Credits: 35000
Low Passage, Possibly Psionic

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
10 8 10 11 8 7 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scientist
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 0, Commo - 2,
Robotics - 1, Survey - 1,
Property: Credits: 40000
Lab Ship (40 year loan),

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
8 11 8 12 15 13 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Air academy honors grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
Flight school graduate tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Flyer World COACC Orbit office
Rank: O5 Group Captain
Awards: SEH, MCGx2, MCUF, Purple Heartx3, Command Clustersx5,
Combat Ribbonsx6,
Pilot Wings,
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 1, Boomerang - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Survival - 2, Admin - 1, Navigation - 3, Leadership - 3,
Prop Aircraft - 2, SubMG - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Instruction - 1,
Handgun - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Liaison - 2, Ship Tactics - 1,

Property: Credits: 60000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 13 9 3 6 5 size = small
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = high
law = extreme
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Hunter
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 0, Hunting - 1,
Electronics - 1, Mechanical - 1, Axe - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 9 10 4 7 8 size = large
age: 30 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O2 Sergeant
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Bow - 1, Prop Aircraft - 2,
Mechanical - 1, SubMG - 1, Streetwise - 1, Interrogation - 2,
Tactics - 3, Polearm - 2, Carousing - 1, Forensics - 2,

Property: Credits: 11000
High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 12 7 6 8 13 size = small
age: 24 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 24 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E4 Petty Officer 3rd Class
Awards: SEH, MCG, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbons,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Handgun - 1, Song - 1,
Vacc Suit - 2, SubMG - 0, Admin - 1, Carousing - 1,

Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ K'kree male
str dex end int edu cas Home World: star port = B
11 11 13 15 4 9 size = small
age: 62 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 62 hydro = desert
population = high
law = high
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: trader Well Born(surface warrior Artillery branch)
( Rank: O7 Lt Junior)
Chemistry - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Enclosure - 4, Early Firearms - 1,
Admin - 4, Leadership - 1, Forward Obs - 1, Heavy Weap - 1,
Electronics - 1, Tolerance - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 4, Forgery - 2,
Bribery - 2, Computer - 2, Broker - 2, Streetwise - 1,

Property: Credits: 0 per male

Family Skills,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
8 10 8 13 12 13 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = desert
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Militia medic
Rank: O8 Pension: 10000 (roll 4+ annually to keep)
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 1, Herding - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 3, Mechanical - 2, Gravitics - 1, Forgery - 1,
High Energy Weap - 1, Commo - 1, Cudgel - 1, Medical - 1,
Bribery - 1, Electronics - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000
Your character's history was saved in file mtcg.txt

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 7 10 10 15 10 size = medium
age: 46 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 42 hydro = dry
population = moderate
University honors grad law = moderate
Graduate School graduate government = other dictator
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Technical office medic
Rank: O3 Administrator(Police O2 ret.)
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 1, Disguise - 1, Stealth - 1,
Prop Aircraft - 1, Linguistics - 1, Admin - 2, Chemistry - 1,
History - 2, Psychology - 3, Sophontology - 1, Laser Weap - 1,
Streetwise - 2, Robot Ops - 2, Tactics - 1, Polearm - 1,
Legal - 1, Interview - 2, Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 1,
Leadership - 1, Medical - 1, Artisan - 1, Gravitics - 2,
Commo - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
7 9 9 8 8 10 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = desert
population = high
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Survey office
Rank: E6 Team Leader
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Electronics - 1, Paint/Sculpt-1,
Dance - 1, Rifleman - 3, Vacc Suit - 1, Pilot - 2,
Herding - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Gambling - 1, Survey - 2,
Grav Belt - 1, Tactics - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Navigation - 1,
Carousing - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 30000
Scout (30 year loan), Weapon,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 11 10 12 9 13 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = desert
population = high
law = moderate
government = religious dict.
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Engineering branch medic
Rank: E5 Petty Officer 2nd Class(Pirate prison E0 ret.)
Awards: Combat Ribbons,
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 1, Acting - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Medical - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,
Brawling - 1, Polearm - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Engineering - 4, Carousing - 2, Telepathy - 6, Clairvoyance - 6,
Telekinesis - 6, Fleet Tactics - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
3 9 9 6 14 11 size = medium
age: 24 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 24 hydro = wet
population = high
University honors grad law = moderate
government = oligarchy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Rogue medic
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Hunting - 1, Electronics - 2,
Theology - 1, Music - 1, Medical - 1, Laser Weap - 0,
Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vilani male(mostly non-Vilani ancestry)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 11 8 10 9 10 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scientist
Discoveries: minorx2,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Handgun - 0, Commo - 4,
Mechanical - 1, Survival - 1, Gravitics - 1,
Property: Credits: 40000
Lab Ship (40 year loan), High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Intendent female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 12 7 7 10 10 size = small
age: 39 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 35 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = feudal
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Flyer
Rank: O6 Air Marshal
Awards: Hero Medals: none,
Psi - 15, Grav Vehicle - 3, Computer - 0, Paint/Sculpture - 1,
Vacc Suit - 2, SubMG - 6, Lighter than Air - 1, Telekinesis - 6,
Awareness - 6, Mechanical - 1, Brawling - 1, Gambling - 1,
Gravitics - 1, Survival - 1,
Property: Credits: 20000
Middle Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 11 11 12 11 15 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Naval academy honors grad law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
Flight school graduate tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Navy Flight branch
Rank: O3 Lieutenant
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Pilot - 5, Navigation - 1,
Ships Boat - 1, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Admin - 3,
Commo - 1, Artisan - 1, Leadership - 1, Fleet Tactics - 1,
Liaison - 1, Robot Ops - 1, Recruiting - 2, Forgery - 1,

Property: Credits: 70000
Travellers Aid Society,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian female UWP=A463955G (Darrian)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
4 8 7 7 14 8 size = small
age: 46 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 46 hydro = dry
population = high
Naval academy grad law = moderate
government = feudal
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Confederation Navy Gunnery branch
Rank: O8 Fleet Admiral Pension: 6000
Awards: Hero Medals: 1st Classx5, 3rd Class, 5th Class, Purple Heartx5,
Command Clustersx5, Combat Ribbonsx14,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 6, Mechanical - 1, Engineering - 1,
Naval Architect - 1, Energy Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Spinal Weap - 3,
Screens - 4, Admin - 2, Turret Weap - 3, Ship Tactics - 1,
Commo - 1, Leadership - 1, Zero-G - 1,
Property: Credits: 12000
Voucher, Weaponx3,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 7 6 10 13 8 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 42 hydro = desert
population = high
Merchant academy honors grad law = low
government = balkanization
Flight school graduate tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Purser office medic
Rank: O2 Assistant Medic Pension: 10000
Psi - 5, Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Brawling - 2,
Vacc Suit - 1, Stealth - 1, Steward - 3, Pilot - 1,
Rifleman - 0, Commo - 1, Admin - 1, Telepathy - 5,
Clairvoyance - 5, Trader - 1, Zero-G - 2, Medical - 1,
Carousing - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Gambling - 1,
Property: Credits: 65000
Weapon, Low Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Hiver female
str dex end int edu cur Home World: star port = B
8 6 12 9 13 6 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = dry
population = moderate
General Educ honors grad law = moderate
Advanced Education grad honors tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Merchant Free Trader Free Trader office
Rank: O1
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Stealth - 2, Computer - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Cryonics - 2, Geology - 1, Genetics - 1,
Astronomy - 1, Biology - 1, Gravitics - 2, Disguise - 6,
Sophontology - 1, Theology - 1, Rifleman - 0, Liaison - 1,
Leadership - 1, Intrusion - 1, Robotics - 1, Trader - 1,
Admin - 1, Legal - 1, Engineering - 1, Screens - 1,

Property: Credits: 36000
Free Trader (20 year loan),

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Newt male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
4 5 6 7 14 10 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = water
population = high
Merchant academy honors grad law = high
government = civ. bureaucracy
Flight school graduate tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Megacorp Administration office
Rank: O3 Asst Station Head
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Disguise - 1,
Admin - 4, Pilot - 1, Navigation - 1, Energy Weap - 0,
Liaison - 3, Brawling - 2,
Property: Credits: 20000
Low Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Newt female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 9 6 10 11 6 size = small
age: 32 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 28 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Bureaucrat
Rank: O4 Manager
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 2, Stealth - 1, Vacc Suit - 2,
Engineering - 1, SubMG - 0, Carousing - 1, Interrogation - 2,
Admin - 3, Leadership - 1, Brawling - 1, Steward - 1,
Interview - 1, Recruiting - 1,
Property: Credits: 40000
Middle Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 4 11 10 15 10 size = small
age: 70 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 70 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Wanderer Pension: 28000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Stealth - 2, Sling - 1,
Vacc Suit - 2, Equestrian - 1, Rifleman - 0, Pilot - 1,
Linguistics - 2, Interview - 1, Ships Boat - 3, Handgun - 1,
Survival - 1, Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Small Boat - 2, Dewclaw - 1,
Tolerance - 4, Independence - 3, Leadership - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
(paid off), 300 sq km of land,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 9 11 15 10 12 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = desert
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Management
Rank: O3 Manager Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Hunting - 1, Acting - 1, Crossbow - 0, Admin - 1,
Broker - 1, Sensor Ops - 1, Trader - 2, Forgery - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Forensics - 1, Tradition - 1, Legal - 1,
Tolerance - 1,
Property: Credits: 65000
Free Trader (10 year loan),
Middle Passagex2,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=A6668449
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
3 10 8 6 8 11 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: O3 Lieutenant
Awards: MCGx2, MCUF, Purple Heartx3, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Laser Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 2,
Admin - 1, Linguistics - 1, Carousing - 1, Forward Obs - 1,
Interview - 2, Zero-G - 3, Navigation - 2, Recruiting - 1,
Commo - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000
Travellers Aid Society, Low Passage,
Press any key to continue

Character Description

Name: _________________________ K'kree female
str dex end int edu cas Home World: star port = A
11 9 9 9 3 10 size = small
age: 44 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 44 hydro = desert
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: wife Well Born medic
Computer - 1, Acting - 1, Disguise - 1, Small Blade - 1,
Jack-o-Trades - 3, Medical - 3, Diversion - 1,
Property: Credits: 0 per male
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
4 14 9 5 12 8 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Militia
Rank: O4 Lt Colonel
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Vacc Suit - 1,
Music - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Forward Obs - 1, Heavy Weap - 1,
Infighting - 3, Tactics - 1, Gravitics - 1, Forgery - 1,
Recon - 1, Electronics - 1, Steward - 2,
Property: Credits: 30000
Originally posted by Jame:
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Hiver female
str dex end int edu cur Home World: star port = B
8 6 12 9 13 6 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = dry
population = moderate
General Educ honors grad law = moderate
Advanced Education grad honors tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Merchant Free Trader Free Trader office
Rank: O1
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Stealth - 2, Computer - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Cryonics - 2, Geology - 1, Genetics - 1,
Astronomy - 1, Biology - 1, Gravitics - 2, Disguise - 6,
Sophontology - 1, Theology - 1, Rifleman - 0, Liaison - 1,
Leadership - 1, Intrusion - 1, Robotics - 1, Trader - 1,
Admin - 1, Legal - 1, Engineering - 1, Screens - 1,

Property: Credits: 36000
Free Trader (20 year loan),
A hiver with Disguise-6?

Um, I didn't think hivers went in for clothes. I guess it must be body-paint, yup.
Like I said, I'm putting them up here so you can do what you want with them. If that's a Painted Hiver, go ahead...
Told ya there'd be more...

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
3 15 9 9 9 4 size = small
age: 22 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 22 hydro = dry
population = high
law = low
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Rogue
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Bribery - 1, Long Blade - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Intendent female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
9 10 7 9 9 10 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = high
government = feudal
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Consular Guard
Rank: O3 Major(Flyer O3 ret.)
Awards: Hero Medals: none,
Psi - 13, Clairvoyance - 13, Telekinesis - 13, Teleportation - 13,
Grav Vehicle - 4, Computer - 0, Electronics - 1, Equestrian - 1,
Hunting - 1, Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 2, Helicopter - 1,
Polearm - 3, Awareness - 2, Gravitics - 1, Admin - 1,

Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Intendent male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 4 8 8 10 10 size = small
age: 42 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 42 hydro = desert
Psionic Games population = moderate
Naval academy honors grad law = low
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Consular Guard medic
Rank: O3 Major(Marines Infantry O2 ret.)
Awards: Hero Medals: none,
Psi - 12, Telepathy - 12, Clairvoyance - 12, Grav Vehicle - 1,
Computer - 2, Vacc Suit - 4, Medical - 0, Energy Weap - 4,
Long Blade - 3, Intrusion - 1, Electronics - 2, Admin - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Telekinesis - 2,
Property: Credits: 25000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
4 7 5 6 8 7 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Marines Support branch medic
Rank: E6 Gunnery Sargent
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 0,
Long Blade - 1, Electronics - 3, Medical - 2, Cmbt Engineer - 1,

Property: Credits: 10000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
5 11 4 8 11 4 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 26 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scientist
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Rifleman - 0, Sensor Ops - 1,
Robotics - 1, Tactics - 2, Sling - 1, Commo - 1,

Property: Credits: 20000

High Passage,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 10 10 9 11 13 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = high
law = no
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Military
Rank: O3 Captain Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Electronics - 2, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Rifleman - 1, Forensics - 1, Personal Weap - 1,
Handgun - 1, Heavy Weap - 2, Admin - 1, Demolitions - 1,
Recon - 1, Interview - 1, Meson Gun - 1, Blade - 1,
Steward - 1,
Property: Credits: 71000

Middle Passagex2,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Prole female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 3 11 9 8 9 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = high
government = colonial
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Consular Guard medic
Rank: O2 Captain Pension: 4000
(Psi - 7), Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Vacc Suit - 5, Polearm - 6,
Handgun - 1, Admin - 2, Tactics - 2, Computer - 1,
Electronics - 1, Leadership - 3, Medical - 1,
Property: Credits: 32000
Legion of Merit,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
8 11 10 12 10 8 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 26 hydro = dry
population = high
law = low
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant
Rank: O4 1st Officer
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 4, Acting - 1,
Polearm - 1, Handgun - 1, Ships Boat - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Sensor Ops - 2,
Property: Credits: 40000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Intendent female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 9 8 12 15 10 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
Psionic Games population = moderate
Merchant academy honors grad law = moderate
government = char. dictator
Flight school graduate tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Operations office
Rank: O2 Jr Administrator(Merchant O1 ret.)
Psi - 13, Telepathy - 13, Clairvoyance - 13, Awareness - 13,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 5, Brawling - 1, Navigation - 4,
Pilot - 4, Handgun - 2, Vacc Suit - 0, Commo - 1,
Leadership - 1, Survival - 1, Ships Boat - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Scout (30 year loan),

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 12 9 8 5 10 size = medium
age: 39 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 35 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Sailor
Rank: O3 Lt Commander
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Brawling - 3,
Vacc Suit - 2, History - 1, Rifleman - 1, Small Boat - 1,
Large Boat - 1, Forward Obs - 4, Gravitics - 2, Electronics - 2,
Mechanical - 1, Mortars/Howitzers - 1, Demolitions - 2, Leadership - 1,
Teleportation - 6, Clairvoyance - 6,
Property: Credits: 30000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian female UWP=A333644D (Jacent)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
6 13 8 6 14 12 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 38 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Confederation Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: O3 Lieutenant Pension: 5000
Awards: Hero Medals: 1st Classx4, Purple Heartx3, Command Clustersx4,
Combat Ribbonsx6,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Mechanical - 1, Dance - 1,
Naval Architect - 1, Laser Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Spinal Weap - 2,
Zero-G - 3, Battle Dress - 1, Turret Weap - 2, Admin - 1,
Screens - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Ship Tactics - 1, Commo - 2,

Property: Credits: 50000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vilani female(mostly non-Vilani ancestry)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 4 6 10 10 10 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Navy Gunnery branch
Rank: E1 Recruit(Scouts Commo E1 ret.)
Awards: Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 2,
Pilot - 2, Bribery - 1, Liaison - 1, Herding - 1,
Sensor Ops - 1, Turret Weap - 1, Commo - 1, Ships Boat - 1,

Property: Credits: 150000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 9 5 12 7 11 size = large
age: 30 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 30 hydro = desert
population = high
law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant Free Trader Free Trader office
Rank: E6 Enlisted(Navy Engineering E6 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Psi - 7, Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Electronics - 1, Herding - 1, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Engineering - 5, Gambling - 2, History - 1, Telepathy - 7,
Clairvoyance - 7, Teleportation - 7, Broker - 2, Brawling - 1,

Property: Credits: 50000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Droyne alpha male
str dex end int sen cas Home World: star port = B
6 10 7 8 6 4 size = medium
age: 40 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 40 hydro = desert
population = low
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Technician
Dreaming Technician-7
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, Herding - 1, Music - 1,
Gravitics - 2, Home - 0, Invisibility - 0, Demolitions - 2,
Electronics - 2, Steward - 1, Telekinesis - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = C
10 7 7 5 14 10 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy
Rank: O5 Captain
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1, Energy Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 0, Tactics - 2, Polearm - 1, Linguistics - 1,
Forgery - 1,
Property: Credits: 100000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Sword Worlder male UWP=B775956C(Sacnoth)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
13 10 9 7 7 12 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = feudal
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Artillery branch medic
Rank: O3 Captain
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1, Dance - 1,
Swimming - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Gravitics - 1, Tactics - 1,
Medical - 4, Heavy Weap - 2, Cmbt Engineer - 1, Artisan - 1,
Electronics - 1,
Property: Credits: 40000

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Intendent male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 8 11 9 8 10 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Field Survey office
Rank: O3 Administrator
Psi - 11, Special Psi - 11, Teleportation - 11, Awareness - 11,
Telepathy - 11, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Acting - 1,
Swimming - 1, Meteorology - 1, Commo - 1, Rifleman - 3,
Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 3, Liaison - 1, Ships Boat - 1,

Property: Credits: 30000
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon,

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
9 11 11 13 11 12 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Raider
Rank: O6 Brigadier
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Swimming - 2, Song - 1,
SubMG - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Forgery - 1, Grav Belt - 1,
Electronics - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Infighting - 1, Demolitions - 1,
Long Blade - 1, Tactics - 1, Mass Drivers - 1, ATV - 1,
Interview - 1,
Property: Credits: 40000

High Passage,

So how big is 10400100 sq km, anyways?
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Prole female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
10 7 8 9 5 5 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Field Survey office
Rank: O-1 rank?(Government O-3 ret.)
(Psi - 7), Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Computer - 1, Prop Aircraft - 3,
Admin - 4, Laser Weap - 1, Non-Verbal Comm - 1, Small Blade - 1,
Psychology - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Pilot - 2, Survival - 2,
Robot Ops - 1, Gambling - 1, Streetwise - 1, Carousing - 1,

Property: Credits: 35000
Legion of Merit,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Zhodani Noble male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
8 7 11 9 13 12 size = small
age: 42 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Merchant academy honors grad law = low
Medical School graduate honors government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line medic
Rank: O7 Line Commodore
Psi - 11, Telepathy - 11, Clairvoyance - 11, Grav Vehicle - 0,
Computer - 3, Small Boat - 2, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Engineering - 1,
Medical - 5, Admin - 2, Awareness - 2, Laser Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 0, Brawling - 1, Commo - 1, Broker - 2,
Liaison - 2, Pilot - 2, Legal - 2, Carousing - 2,
Ships Boat - 1, Navigation - 2, Trader - 1, Bribery - 1,
Gambling - 1,
Property: Credits: 120000
ZM Trader (40 year loan), High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Zhodani Intendent female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
10 3 9 11 15 10 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = dry
population = low
University honors grad NOTC law = moderate
Graduate School graduate honors government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Regional Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: O3 Deck Officer
Awards: Hero Medals: 1st Classx3, Command Clusters, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Psi - 9, Teleportation - 9, Awareness - 9, Telekinesis - 9,
Clairvoyance - 9, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 4, Vacc Suit - 2,
Electronics - 2, Mechanical - 1, Sophontology - 1, Biology - 1,
Psychology - 1, Legal - 1, Acting - 1, Naval Architect - 2,
Sociology - 2, Dance - 1, Song - 1, Disguise - 1,
Paint/Sculpture - 4, Linguistics - 1, History - 1, Laser Weap - 2,
Ship Tactics - 2, Commo - 1, Liaison - 2, Ships Boat - 2,
Admin - 2, Zero-G - 1, Steward - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Legion of Merit,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Zhodani Prole female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
7 9 7 7 7 8 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = high
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O3 Lieutenant
(Psi - 6), Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Computer - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Stealth - 1, Energy Weap - 0, Streetwise - 2, Disguise - 1,
Interrogation - 3, Forensics - 3, Long Blade - 3, Tactics - 2,
Bow - 1, Brawling - 1, Gambling - 1, Forgery - 1,

Property: Credits: 0

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Zhodani Intendent male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 9 8 10 13 10 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
Psionic Games population = low
University honors grad law = moderate
Graduate School graduate honors government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Consular Guard
Rank: O2 Captain
Psi - 12, Telepathy - 12, Clairvoyance - 12, Telekinesis - 12,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Stealth - 1, Small Boat - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 2,
Astronomy - 2, Theology - 1, Commo - 2, Meteorology - 1,
Chemistry - 1, Robotics - 1, Admin - 1, Acting - 1,
Sophontology - 1, Trader - 4, Naval Architect - 1, Psychology - 1,
Axe - 2, Handgun - 2, Teleportation - 12, Mechanical - 1,
Special Psi - 12, Vacc Suit - 2,
Property: Credits: 10000
Legion of Merit, Competed in Psionic Games
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 7 7 10 8 10 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = desert
population = high
Merchant academy grad law = moderate
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Operations office medic
Rank: O3 Administrator(Merchant O2 ret.)
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 3, Streetwise - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Steward - 1, Energy Weap - 3, Vacc Suit - 0,
Medical - 1, Commo - 1, Telepathy - 6, Teleportation - 6,
Clairvoyance - 6, Telekinesis - 6, Pilot - 1, Leadership - 1,
Ship Tactics - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
13 10 10 12 9 10 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = low
law = low
government = other dictator
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Commo office
Rank: E5 Asst Team Leader
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Mechanical - 1, Small Boat - 1,
Electronics - 1, Vacc Suit - 2, Handgun - 2, Pilot - 2,
Gambling - 2, Navigation - 1, Artisan - 2, Herding - 2,
Survey - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
8 9 10 8 15 8 size = medium
age: 46 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = low
University honors grad law = moderate
Law School grad honors government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Attorney
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Hunting - 1, Small Boat - 1,
Guard/Hunt Beast - 1, Chemistry - 2, Mechanical - 1, Linguistics - 2,
Archaeology - 1, Meteorology - 1, Sociology - 1, Cryonics - 1,
Gravitics - 1, Electronics - 1, Astronomy - 1, Psychology - 1,
Genetics - 1, Trader - 3, Naval Architect - 1, Legal - 3,
Admin - 4, Persuasion - 3, Perception - 1, Laser Weap - 0,
Polearm - 2, Liaison - 1, Streetwise - 1, History - 1,
Interview - 1, Instruction - 2, Bribery - 1,
Property: Credits: 300000
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 13 12 7 15 11 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University honors grad OTC law = moderate
Law School grad honors government = feudal
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Artillery branch
Rank: O5 Lieutenant Colonel
Awards: MCG, MCUF, Purple Heartx2, Command Clustersx2, Combat Ribbonsx5,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Rifleman - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1,
Survival - 1, Stealth - 1, Naval Architect - 2, Astronomy - 2,
Genetics - 1, Gravitics - 1, Biology - 2, Physics - 1,
Geology - 1, Psychology - 1, Theology - 1, Sophontology - 1,
Robotics - 1, Music - 1, Legal - 3, Admin - 2,
Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Forward Obs - 1, Electronics - 2, Heavy Weap - 1,

Property: Credits: 20000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 7 7 8 15 10 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad law = moderate
Medical School graduate honors government = part. democracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Doctor
Rank: O3
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 2, Electronics - 2,
Medical - 7, Admin - 1, Energy Weap - 0, Liaison - 1,
Streetwise - 1, Steward - 1,
Property: Credits: 60000
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Githiaskio female UWP=A789886C
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 7 9 6 11 2 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Field Commo office
Rank: E5 Asst Team Leader Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Handgun - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Pilot - 3, Ships Boat - 1,
Brawling - 1, Grav Belt - 1, Leadership - 1, Equestrian - 3,
Robot Ops - 1, Survival - 1, Streetwise - 1, Navigation - 3,
Recon - 1, Commo - 1, Artisan - 1, Gambling - 1,

Property: Credits: 200000
Scout (20 year loan),
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Hhkar male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
15 9 10 5 12 7 size = large
age: 30 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 30 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Purser office
Rank: O4 Chief Purser
Magnetic Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Steward - 2, Admin - 3, Liaison - 2, Zero-G - 1,
Gambling - 2, Commo - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
Low Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian male UWP=B4448319 (Ilium)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
5 6 7 11 14 11 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University honors grad OTC law = low
government = oligarchy
Flight school graduate tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Army Flight branch
Rank: O5 Lieutenant Colonel
Awards: Hero Medals: 1st Classx5, Purple Heartx2, Command Clustersx2,
Combat Ribbonsx7,
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Swimming - 1, Disguise - 2,
Streetwise - 1, Dance - 1, Meteorology - 1, Genetics - 1,
Pilot - 3, Cmbt Rifleman - 5, Commo - 2, Navigation - 1,
Leadership - 1, Instruction - 1, Heavy Weap - 2, Early Firearms - 1,
Vacc Suit - 1,
Property: Credits: 2000
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Darrian male UWP=B2326BBC (Nosea)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
9 7 7 6 13 7 size = small
age: 46 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 46 hydro = dry
population = moderate
University honors grad law = extreme
Graduate School graduate honors government = other dictator
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Detached Duty office
Rank: O1 Admin Trainee Pension: 5000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 4, Vacc Suit - 3, Acting - 1,
Mechanical - 2, Genetics - 2, Legal - 1, Sociology - 1,
Trader - 4, Astronomy - 1, Laser Weap - 3, Pilot - 1,
Leadership - 1, Engineering - 2, Gambling - 2, Bribery - 1,
Small Blade - 1, Streetwise - 1, Herding - 1, Brawling - 1,

Property: Credits: 150000
Scout (30 year loan),
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian female UWP=A665A95B (Mire)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 10 4 4 12 8 size = medium
age: 24 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 24 hydro = wet
population = high
Tech School grad law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Belter Single-Handed
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Electronics - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Equestrian - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 2, Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 2,
Forward Obs - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian female UWP=B321588B (Stern-Stern)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 14 10 7 11 8 size = small
age: 33 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 33 hydro = desert
population = moderate
law = high
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O4 Detective
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Electronics - 1,
Dance - 1, Mechanical - 1, Admin - 1, Gravitics - 1,
SubMG - 3, Streetwise - 1, Gambling - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 2,
Tactics - 1, Steward - 1, Artisan - 1, Leadership - 1,
Interrogation - 2,
Property: Credits: 7000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 10 11 10 14 10 size = large
age: 35 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 35 hydro = wet
population = high
Air academy honors grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
Flight school graduate tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Flyer
Rank: O4 Staff Major
Awards: Hero Medals: none, Pilot Wings,
Wheeled Vehicle - 4, Computer - 0, Mechanical - 1, Vacc Suit - 3,
Small Blade - 1, Bola - 1, Survival - 1, Admin - 1,
Electronics - 1, Pilot - 1, Navigation - 1, Handgun - 2,
Prop Aircraft - 1, Commo - 1, Artisan - 1,
Property: Credits: 12000
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Darrian female UWP=E897977A (Zamine)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
4 10 4 10 15 11 size = large
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
Tech School honors grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Operations office
Rank: E6 Team Leader
Wheeled Vehicle - 3, Computer - 5, Vacc Suit - 1, Mechanical - 2,
Streetwise - 1, Gravitics - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Laser Weap - 2,
Pilot - 2, Leadership - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Navigation - 1,
Herding - 1, Robot Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vegan female UWP=A456A86F (Muan Gwi)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 7 9 7 9 7 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Megacorp Engineering office
Rank: O2 Asst Engineer Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Mechanical - 2,
SubMG - 1, Electronics - 3, Admin - 1, Broker - 1,
Gravitics - 1, Engineering - 1, Liaison - 1, Leadership - 2,
Gambling - 2, Streetwise - 1, Ships Boat - 1,
Property: Credits: 60000
Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
8 4 7 8 15 10 size = medium
age: 58 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 58 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: O10 Grand Admiral(Sailor O3 ret.) Pension: 12000
Awards: SEH, MCG, MCUFx6, Purple Heartx6, Command Clustersx7,
Combat Ribbonsx11,

Wheeled Vehicle - 3, Mechanical - 2, Stealth - 1, Swimming - 1,
Linguistics - 1, Handgun - 3, Small Boat - 2, Large Boat - 2,
Cmbt Engineer - 1, Electronics - 1, Vacc Suit - 6, Streetwise - 2,
Jack-o-Trades - 1, Instruction - 2, Gravitics - 1, Tactics - 1,
Forward Obs - 1, Computer - 3, Pilot - 2, Steward - 2,
Fleet Tactics - 1, Zero-G - 4, Recruiting - 2, Leadership - 1,
Navigation - 3, Ships Boat - 1, Bribery - 1,
Property: Credits: 25000
Weapon, Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
11 13 12 12 11 9 size = medium
age: 58 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 58 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Army Cavalry branch
Rank: E9 Sargent Major Pension: 18000
Awards: MCG, MCUFx5, Purple Heartx3, Combat Ribbonsx9,
Wheeled Vehicle - 5, Computer - 0, Boomerang - 1, Song - 1,
Electronics - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Sophontology - 1, Disguise - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Mechanical - 5, Heavy Weap - 5, Streetwise - 1,
Intrusion - 1, History - 1, Brawling - 1,
Property: Credits: 90000
Weaponx2, Middle Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
6 9 11 12 9 5 size = medium
age: 46 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 46 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Pirate
Rank: O3 Veteran Pension: 16000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Streetwise - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1,
SubMG - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Personal Weap - 1, Dewclaw - 1,
Jet Aircraft - 1, Carousing - 1, Laser Weap - 1, Linguistics - 1,
Ship Tactics - 2, Persuasion - 1, Instruction - 1, Guard/Hunt Beast - 1,
Ships Boat - 1, Spinal Weap - 1, Tactics - 1, Turret Weap - 1,
Tracked Vehicle - 1, Independence - 8,
Property: Credits: 0
Escort (40 year loan), Weaponx5,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 10 10 12 6 15 size = small
age: 46 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 46 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Military
Rank: O3 Captain Pension: 14000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Mechanical - 2, Small Boat - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Dewclaw - 1, Instruction - 3, Wheeled Vehicle - 1,
Personal Weap - 1, Liaison - 1, Tactics - 2, Artisan - 1,
Leadership - 5, Tolerance - 1, Independence - 3,
Property: Credits: 25000
10400100 sq km of land, Middle Passage
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
15 7 12 11 13 11 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Space
Rank: O4 Executive Lt Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 3, Disguise - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Rifleman - 0, Vacc Suit - 2, Admin - 1, Navigation - 2,
Zero-G - 2, Engineering - 1, Neural Weap - 1, Laser Weap - 1,
Survival - 1, Sensor Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 45000
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 12 8 10 10 13 size = medium
age: 46 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Space
Rank: O4 Executive Lt Pension: 14000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 4, Polearm - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Paint/Sculpture - 1, Laser Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Admin - 3,
Zero-G - 1, Electronics - 1, Rifleman - 1, Engineering - 2,
Handgun - 1, Neural Weap - 1, Forensics - 1, Dewclaw - 1,
Independence - 3,
Property: Credits: 101000
Fun with the MegaTraveller Character Generation program.....

Name: Dari Sharen
Vilani female(mostly non-Vilani ancestry)
Home World: High Pop world in the Old Expanses
F9FFF7 age: 158 apparent age: 62
Career: Scientist
Rank: O4 (Merchant Deck O4 ret.)
Discoveries: majorx3, minorx23,
Pilot-2 Navigation-1 Engineering-3 Screen Tech-2
Vacc Suit-1 Commo-1 Computer-2 Gravtics-2
Mechanical-1 Grav Vehicle-1 Instruction-3
Broker-3 Liaison-3 Carousing-2 Survey-1
Laser Weapons-2
Property: Credits: 50000

Dari SAW the begining of the Solomani Rim War....
...and will be happy to tell you about it over a beer at the local dive.
Just in case something happens... (And plop, any one of these, including the previous ones, could make an excellent low berth passenger, if you still need them. Look for the Zho with Psi-12 and five skills...

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 9 9 10 11 7 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = water
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Rogue medic
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Bola - 2, Acting - 1,
Streetwise - 3, Energy Weap - 0, Forgery - 1, Carousing - 2,
Tactics - 3, Medical - 2, Leadership - 1, Bribery - 1,
Gambling - 1, Artisan - 1, Demolitions - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1,

Property: Credits: 110000
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 12 6 11 8 9 size = small
age: 29 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 21 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Rogue
Psi - 9, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Electronics - 2,
Streetwise - 3, Handgun - 0, Bribery - 1, Forgery - 1,
Telepathy - 9, Demolitions - 1, Instruction - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Disguise - 1, Robot Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 10 10 9 8 5 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad AOTC law = moderate
government = colonial
Flight school graduate tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Flyer World COACC Orbit office
Rank: O4 Squadron Leader
Awards: MCUFx2, Command Clustersx2, Combat Ribbonsx4, Pilot Wings,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Small Boat - 2, Farming - 1,
Electronics - 4, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Prop Aircraft - 2, Survival - 1,
Tactics - 2, Spinal Weap - 2, Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,
Engineering - 2, Admin - 2, SubMG - 1, Brawling - 1,
Navigation - 2,
Property: Credits: 10000
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Solomani male
str dex end int edu par Home World: star port = C
5 8 12 4 6 10 size = small
age: 42 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Flyer
Rank: O6 Air Marshal
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Mechanical - 2,
Disguise - 0, Paint/Sculpture - 0, Energy Weap - 2, Prop Aircraft - 0,
Gravitics - 2, Brawling - 1, Electronics - 1, Polearm - 0,
Instruction - 0,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Solomani female
str dex end int edu par Home World: star port = B
10 11 9 9 4 8 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = industrial
Career: Sailor
Rank: O1 Ensign(SolSec open agent O1 ret.)
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Electronics - 2, Rifleman - 2,
Grav Vehicle - 2, Brawling - 2, Bribery - 1, Robot Ops - 1,
Engineering - 1, Small Boat - 1, Forward Obs - 1, Gravitics - 1,

Property: Credits: 30000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Droyne alpha male
str dex end int sen cas Home World: star port = B
6 4 3 10 6 5 size = medium
age: 40 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 40 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Sport
Speaker Sport-7
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1, Hunting - 2,
Laser Weap - 2, Home - 0, Invisibility - 0, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Liaison - 2, Unarmed Combat - 2, Leadership - 4, Interrogation - 3,
Gambling - 1, Appeal - 6, Flying - 4, Telekinesis - 1,
Zero-G - 1, Axe - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Teleportation - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
Mech. Wings, Vacc Suit,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 4 6 12 14 14 size = large
age: 50 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 50 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University honors grad law = moderate
Medical School graduate honors government = colonial
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Doctor
Rank: O3 Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Stealth - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Streetwise - 1, Swimming - 1, Electronics - 2, Gravitics - 1,
Music - 2, Medical - 8, Admin - 2, Handgun - 0,
Linguistics - 1, Disguise - 1, Broker - 1, Legal - 2,
Long Blade - 2, Robot Ops - 1, Interview - 1, Robotics - 1,
Liaison - 1,
Property: Credits: 190000
Medical Instruments (value 5000), Weapon, Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 9 8 6 10 10 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = low
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Field Commo office medic
Rank: E8 Supervisor(Army Support E7 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx4,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Music - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Survival - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Mechanical - 3, Electronics - 2,
Leadership - 1, Medical - 1, Robot Ops - 1, Heavy Weap - 1,
Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 2, Recon - 1,
Property: Credits: 30000
Scout (40 year loan),
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Droyne female
str dex end int sen cas Home World: star port = A
5 2 5 4 6 5 size = large
age: 24 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 24 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Sport
Seeking Sport-3
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Hunting - 1, Small Blade - 2,
Electronics - 1, Mechanical - 1, Handgun - 0, Home - 0,
Invisibility - 0, Intrusion - 1, Forgery - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Awareness - 1, Telekinesis - 1, Appeal - 1, Unarmed Combat - 2,
Flying - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Mech. Wings, Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 10 10 10 9 8 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
government = oligarchy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E8 Senior Chief Petty Officer
Awards: MCGx2, MCUFx4, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx5,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Survival - 1, Disguise - 1, Swimming - 1,
Electronics - 1, Handgun - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Zero-G - 3,
Navigation - 3, Mechanical - 1, Carousing - 1, Admin - 2,
Computer - 2, Gambling - 2, History - 1,
Property: Credits: 20000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 7 9 9 13 7 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
Military academy honors grad law = moderate
government = part. democracy
Flight school graduate tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Artillery branch
Rank: O3 Captain
Psi - 2, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 2,
Stealth - 1, Music - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 4, Admin - 1,
Heavy Weap - 1, Pilot - 2, Navigation - 2, Telepathy - 2,
Clairvoyance - 2, Forward Obs - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
12 9 9 11 15 15 size = small
age: 46 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 46 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = high
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Teacher Pension: 16000
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Rifleman - 1, Acting - 1,
Music - 1, Tradition - 5, Dewclaw - 2, Meditation - 2,
Tolerance - 3, Linguistics - 1, Independence - 2, Leadership - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
102 sq km of land, Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
13 8 12 5 8 10 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Teacher
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Electronics - 1, Small Blade - 1,
Early Firearms - 1, Mechanical - 1, SubMG - 0, Tradition - 3,
Dewclaw - 2, Ships Boat - 1, Personal Weap - 1, Liaison - 1,
Tolerance - 5, Leadership - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
300 sq km of land, Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 7 7 8 7 8 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = low
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Flyer World COACC Medical office medic
Rank: E9 Flight Sargent Major
Awards: MCUFx2, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 3, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Farming - 1,
Handgun - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Lighter than Air - 1, Admin - 4,
Medical - 5, Electronics - 5, Leadership - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Instruction - 1,
Property: Credits: 22000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Hiver female
str dex end int edu cur Home World: star port = A
5 11 11 6 7 4 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 34 hydro = water
population = moderate
Military Educ grad law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Leader
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Disguise - 1,
Robot Ops - 1, Linguistics - 1, Psychology - 1, Rifleman - 1,
Admin - 3, Leadership - 2, Manipulation - 3, Tactics - 1,

Property: Credits: 40000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
3 6 6 7 9 8 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = desert
population = moderate
Tech School grad OTC law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Support branch
Rank: O3 Captain
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heartx2, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Electronics - 2, Cmbt Rifleman - 1,
Grav Belt - 1, Laser Weap - 1, Handgun - 1, Wheeled Vehicle - 1,

Property: Credits: 10000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 10 9 12 5 8 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = desert
population = low
law = high
government = balkanization
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Pirate prison medic
Rank: E5 3rd Sergeant(Scouts Detached Duty E5 ret.)
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Hunting - 1, Energy Weap - 2,
Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 2, Gambling - 4, Carousing - 1,
Electronics - 1, Robot Ops - 1, Admin - 2, Survival - 1,
Axe - 2, Bribery - 1, Medical - 1, Brawling - 1,
Ship Tactics - 1,
Property: Credits: 75000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
7 8 10 6 6 7 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Belter
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Rifleman - 0, Vacc Suit - 2,
Prospecting - 2,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = e
9 8 5 8 8 6 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = low
law = no
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Artist
Song - 2, Hunting - 1, Tolerance - 1, Bow - 1,
Early Firearms - 0, Instruction - 1, Streetwise - 1, Persuasion - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = X
7 8 14 7 11 9 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro =
population = moderate
PreInd Univ grad law = low
government = balkanization
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian
Rank: O2 Warrior(Army Infantry E1 ret.)
Awards: MCUFx2, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Computer - 1, Disguise - 1, Forensics - 1, Sociology - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Heavy Weap - 1, Long Blade - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Brawling - 1, Interrogation - 1, Recon - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
10 8 10 9 11 6 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University honors grad OTC law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Army Support branch
Rank: O3 Captain
Awards: Combat Ribbons,
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Song - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 2,
Acting - 2, Engineering - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Electronics - 2,
Computer - 2, Forward Obs - 1,
Property: Credits: 2000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.T.S. Irhandre male UWP=C220973E(Welling)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
11 12 8 2 12 12 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 26 hydro = desert
population = high
Tech School honors grad NOTC law = moderate
Technical Academy grad honors government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Marines Artillery branch
Rank: O2 1st Lieutenant
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Jack-o-Trades - 2, Laser Weap - 1,
Vacc Suit - 0, Long Blade - 1, Electronics - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Forward Obs - 1, Demolitions - 1, Intrusion - 1, Stealth - 1,
Instruction - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
6 8 7 9 7 5 size = medium
age: 18 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 18 hydro =
population = moderate
law = low
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian
Rank: O1 Brave
Long Blade - 2, Small Blade - 1, Brawling - 1, Early Firearms - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 11 9 8 11 11 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 26 hydro =
population = low
law = extreme
government = feudal
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Gunnery branch
Rank: E9 Master Chief Petty Officer
Awards: MCGx2, MCUF, Purple Heartx2, Combat Ribbonsx4,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Prop Aircraft - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Commo - 3, Turret Weap - 2,
Screens - 3, Sensor Ops - 2, Spinal Weap - 2, Gambling - 3,
Fleet Tactics - 1, Carousing - 1, Long Blade - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = C
6 14 6 4 6 3 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 30 hydro =
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Admin medic
Rank: O1 Clerk
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Dance - 1, Disguise - 0,
Laser Weap - 0, Admin - 1, Interrogation - 0, Infighting - 1,
Liaison - 1, Recruiting - 1, Linguistics - 1, Broker - 1,
Instruction - 1, Medical - 1, Legal - 1,
Property: Credits: 80000

High Passage, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
10 11 4 7 6 3 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Militia
Rank: O2 Captain
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2,
Axe - 1, Infighting - 2, Recon - 1, Tactics - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000

Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
6 8 6 6 11 8 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: Marines Infantry branch
Rank: O1 2nd Lieutenant
Awards: Combat Ribbonsx3,
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Electronics - 2, Handgun - 1, Vacc Suit - 0,
Long Blade - 1, Cmbt Engineer - 2, Heavy Weap - 2, Mechanical - 1,
Instruction - 1, Forward Obs - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Answerin male UWP=B584A84F (Answerin)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
9 11 6 8 12 8 size = medium
age: 43 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 43 hydro = wet
population = high
Military academy honors grad law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
Flight school graduate tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Flyer
Rank: O6 Air Marshal Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 6, Computer - 0, Small Boat - 1, Bow - 1,
Song - 1, Disguise - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Tactics - 1,
Leadership - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, Pilot - 1, Navigation - 1,
Vacc Suit - 2, Helicopter - 3, Brawling - 4, Artisan - 1,
Sensor Ops - 2, Mechanical - 1, Linguistics - 1, Steward - 1,
Engineering - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000
Weapon, Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 11 9 7 4 10 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro =
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = company
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E4 Petty Officer 3rd Class
Awards: MCG, MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Stealth - 1, Gun Cmbt* - 1,
Vacc Suit - 2, Brawling - 1, Ships Boat - 2, Hand Cmbt* - 1,
Electronics - 1, Gravitics - 1, Engineering - 1, Carousing - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
10 14 6 11 10 7 size = small
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Belter
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Electronics - 1, Energy Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 2, Engineering - 1, Pilot - 1, Infighting - 1,
Prospecting - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Seeker (40 year loan),
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Tirrils male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
7 6 10 4 7 7 size = small
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Explorer
Waldo Ops - 0, Computer - 0, Stealth - 0, Energy Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 1, Pilot - 1, Tactics - 1, Mechanical - 2,
Electronics - 1, Leadership - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Carousing - 1,
Flying - 1, Grav Belt - 1,
Property: Credits: 400
Scout (30 year loan),
Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 11 12 6 7 5 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = high
law = low
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Wanderer Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, SubMG - 0, Pilot - 1,
Ships Boat - 1, Independence - 5, Linguistics - 1, Tolerance - 1,
Dewclaw - 1, Tactics - 1, Equestrian - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
(30 year loan), 2 sq km of land,
Low Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 12 10 12 13 9 size = large
age: 42 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = high
law = low
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Technical office medic
Rank: E7 Asst Supervisor Pension: 12000
Psi - 9, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Handgun - 1,
Acting - 1, Survival - 1, Mechanical - 1, SubMG - 0,
Vacc Suit - 2, Pilot - 2, Laser Weap - 1, Gambling - 1,
Liaison - 2, Equestrian - 1, Commo - 1, Telepathy - 9,
Teleportation - 9, Telekinesis - 9, Artisan - 1, Bribery - 1,
Engineering - 1, Recon - 1, Navigation - 1, Small Blade - 1,
Medical - 1,
Property: Credits: 80000
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vilani male(mixed Vilani lineage)
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 10 9 8 6 12 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 35 hydro = wet
population = high
law = extreme
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Navy Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: O2 Sublieutenant
Awards: MCUFx3, Purple Heartx4, Combat Ribbonsx6,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Swimming - 1, Handgun - 1,
Vacc Suit - 4, Linguistics - 1, Navigation - 1, Recruiting - 4,
Streetwise - 1, Liaison - 2, Interview - 1, Brawling - 1,
Steward - 1, Carousing - 1, Ship Tactics - 1, Zero-G - 1,

Property: Credits: 100000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
6 10 7 4 6 10 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 24 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Commo office
Rank: E4 Skilled Worker(Rogue E0 ret.)
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Guard/Hunt Beast - 0, Laser Weap - 1,
Streetwise - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 1, Engineering - 1,
Gambling - 1, Artisan - 1, Mechanical - 1, Sensor Ops - 1,
Hunting - 0, Navigation - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
11 7 9 10 15 9 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro =
population = low
University honors grad law = low
Graduate School graduate honors government = none
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Administration office medic
Rank: E4 Skilled Worker(Army Cavalry E3 ret.)
Awards: MCG, Combat Ribbons,
Wheeled Vehicle - 3, Computer - 1, Cryonics - 2, Physics - 1,
Biology - 4, Broker - 1, Medical - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2,
Zero-G - 1, High-G - 1, Brawling - 1, Tactics - 1,
Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 1, Admin - 2, Robot Ops - 1,
Hunting - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
10 13 9 11 9 8 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = dry
population = moderate
Tech School grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = industrial
Career: Flyer World COACC Technical office
Rank: E6 Leading Flight Sargent(Army Commando E5 ret.)
Awards: MCG, MCUFx2, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx4,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Mechanical - 2, Cmbt Rifleman - 3,
Cmbt Engineer - 1, Intrusion - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Recon - 2,
Heavy Weap - 1, Tactics - 1, Stealth - 1, Lighter than Air - 1,
Demolitions - 1, Instruction - 1, Electronics - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Middle Passage,
An' a whole bunch a' Doggies, too!

Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
4 10 5 7 8 6 size = medium
age: 24 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 24 hydro = wet
population = high
law = extreme
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O2 Sergeant
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Small Blade - 1, Instruction - 2, Scrounge - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
10 12 6 7 9 11 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Emissary medic
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Rifleman - 0, Liaison - 4,
Jack-o-Trades - 1, Medical - 1, Scrounge - 1, Streetwise - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
7 12 5 11 10 7 size = small
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Emissary
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 2, Acting - 1,
Laser Weap - 1, Liaison - 1, Survival - 1, Disguise - 1,

Property: Credits: 50000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = C
8 14 6 8 12 2 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Raider
Rank: O1 Lieutenant
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, SubMG - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Infighting - 1, Long Blade - 1, ATV - 2,
Property: Credits: 5000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
9 14 10 12 12 1 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 26 hydro = desert
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Militia
Grav Vehicle - 3, Computer - 0, Dance - 1, Prop Aircraft - 2,
Song - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 4, Gambling - 1, Infighting - 1,

Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
11 11 12 11 6 8 size = asteroid
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Militia medic
Rank: O3 Major
Grav Vehicle - 3, Computer - 0, Music - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1,
Survival - 1, Zero-G - 1, Medical - 1, Cudgel - 1,
Cmbt Engineer - 1, Vacc Suit - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ D.O. Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
11 11 11 12 7 2 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = high
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Doctor
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 0, Medical - 4,
Mechanical - 1, Foil - 1, Intrusion - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
4 12 5 10 10 5 size = large
age: 28 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 28 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Raider
Rank: O3 Force Commander
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Small Blade - 1, Music - 1,
Vacc Suit - 1, Handgun - 0, Gambling - 1, Long Blade - 1,
High Energy Weap - 1, Intrusion - 1, Sensor Ops - 1, Forward Obs - 1,
Infighting - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

High Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = A
7 11 5 8 9 5 size = large
age: 22 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O1 Corporal
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Infighting - 1, Energy Weap - 3,
Streetwise - 1, Guard/Hunt Beast - 1,
Property: Credits: 7500

High Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr female
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = B
9 7 10 15 11 10 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = extreme
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Raider medic
Rank: O6 Brigadier
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Streetwise - 1, Laser Weap - 3,
Vacc Suit - 0, Forgery - 1, Zero-G - 1, Long Blade - 3,
Recon - 1, Infighting - 2, Instruction - 1, Steward - 1,
Medical - 1, Demolitions - 1, Tactics - 1, Cmbt Engineer - 1,
Heavy Weap - 1,
Property: Credits: 0

High Passagex3,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = C
11 14 8 9 11 11 size = small
age: 42 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 42 hydro = desert
population = low
law = low
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Raider
Rank: O6 Brigadier Pension: 12000 (roll 4+ annually to keep)
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 1,
Long Blade - 3, Grav Belt - 1, Intrusion - 1, Tactics - 3,
Steward - 1, Forward Obs - 1, Demolitions - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1,
Battle Dress - 1, Admin - 1, ATV - 1, Electronics - 1,

Property: Credits: 90000
Weapon, High Passagex3,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ D.O. Vargr male
str dex end int edu cha Home World: star port = C
9 9 12 10 12 8 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Doctor
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Mechanical - 2, Equestrian - 1,
Dance - 1, SubMG - 1, Medical - 2, Foil - 2,
Robotics - 1, Robot Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 5000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 7 9 12 9 8 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro =
population = high
law = extreme
government = company
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Commo office
Rank: E4 Skilled Worker
Psi - 7, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Survival - 1,
Hunting - 1, Boomerang - 1, Energy Weap - 2, Vacc Suit - 1,
Pilot - 2, Ships Boat - 1, Telekinesis - 7, Telepathy - 7,
Awareness - 7, Long Blade - 1, Engineering - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 4 9 7 11 2 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 26 hydro =
population = moderate
law = high
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Pirate
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Electronics - 2, Survival - 1,
Streetwise - 1, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Personal Weap - 1,
Dewclaw - 1, Spinal Weap - 1, Liaison - 1, Ship Tactics - 1,
Independence - 2,
Property: Credits: 0
Escort (40 year loan), Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
14 11 10 6 7 8 size = small
age: 26 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Space
Rank: O2 Lieutenant
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1, Swimming - 1,
Acting - 1, Hunting - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,
Admin - 1, Navigation - 2, Gravitics - 1, Tolerance - 2,
Independence - 2,
Property: Credits: 1000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Aslan male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
13 8 10 12 12 10 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Assassin Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, CombatRifleman - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Song - 1, Laser Weap - 1, Independence - 6, Grav Belt - 2,
Hunting - 1, Zero-G - 2, Tracked Vehicle - 1, Leadership - 1,

Property: Credits: 260000
50 sq km of land,
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
8 6 9 12 8 8 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Merchant academy grad law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Operations office
Rank: O2 Jr Administrator(Merchant Deck O1 ret.)
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 4, Vacc Suit - 2, Hunting - 1,
Leadership - 3, Energy Weap - 1, Navigation - 1, Commo - 1,
Ships Boat - 2, Pilot - 2, Liaison - 1, Engineering - 1,
Intrusion - 1, Ship Tactics - 1, Turret Weap - 1, Spinal Weap - 1,

Property: Credits: 10000
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male UWP=A566899G
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 11 12 3 11 5 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = high
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Technical office medic
Rank: E5 Asst Team Leader
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, Acting - 1, Small Boat - 1,
Rifleman - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 2, Artisan - 1,
Herding - 0, Robot Ops - 2, Medical - 1, Linguistics - 1,
Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Scout (40 year loan), Weapon,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
8 10 10 10 12 13 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 42 hydro = dry
population = moderate
Military academy honors grad law = no
Medical School graduate honors government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Medical branch medic
Rank: O7 Brigadier General(Army Support O6 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 3, Vacc Suit - 2, Dance - 1,
Cmbt Rifleman - 2, Admin - 1, Tactics - 1, Medical - 6,
Handgun - 1, Fleet Tactics - 1, Instruction - 1, Electronics - 1,
SubMG - 1,
Property: Credits: 60000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = D
8 7 9 7 11 7 size = medium
age: 31 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 31 hydro = wet
population = low
law = low
government = colonial
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Rogue
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Song - 1, Survival - 1,
History - 1, Equestrian - 1, Trader - 1, Admin - 1,
Handgun - 0, Streetwise - 2, Tactics - 1, Carousing - 1,
Leadership - 1, Small Blade - 1, Intrusion - 1, Gambling - 1,
Demolitions - 1,
Property: Credits: 100000
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 9 10 8 8 5 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Cavalry branch
Rank: O2 1st Lieutenant
Awards: MCUF, Command Clusters, Combat Ribbons,
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Streetwise - 1,
Paint/Sculpture - 1, Dance - 1, Geology - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 2,
Mechanical - 4, Telekinesis - 6, Telepathy - 6, Awareness - 6,
Clairvoyance - 6, Sensor Ops - 1, Instruction - 1, Disguise - 1,
Heavy Weap - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 3 5 7 12 8 size = large
age: 38 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
government = imp. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Infantry branch
Rank: O2 1st Lieutenant(Merchant Purser O0 ret.)
Awards: Command Clusters, Combat Ribbons,
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Small Blade - 1,
Swimming - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Hovercraft - 1, History - 1,
Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Gambling - 2, Admin - 1,
Clairvoyance - 6, Telepathy - 6, Turret Weap - 1, Carousing - 1,
Liaison - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, SubMG - 1,
Handgun - 2, Recruiting - 1, Leadership - 1,
Property: Credits: 30000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
7 7 11 15 6 4 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = part. democracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Field Survey office
Rank: E5 Asst Team Leader(Army Cavalry E2 ret.)
Psi - 6, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Music - 1,
Long Blade - 1, Small Boat - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 3, Mechanical - 1,
Telekinesis - 6, Telepathy - 6, Vacc Suit - 0, Pilot - 2,
Navigation - 1, Gambling - 1, Hunting - 1, Bribery - 2,

Property: Credits: 50000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
12 10 7 4 11 6 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 30 hydro = desert
population = moderate
Military academy honors grad law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Army Artillery branch
Rank: O3 Captain
Awards: MCUFx2, Purple Heart, Command Clustersx4, Combat Ribbonsx4,
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 3,
Tactics - 1, Leadership - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, Brawling - 1,
Stealth - 1, Recon - 1, Handgun - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
7 9 9 8 8 9 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 34 hydro = dry
population = high
law = extreme
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Scouts Field Survey office
Rank: O3 Administrator(Merchant Sales O0 ret.)
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 2,
Carousing - 1, Broker - 1, Pilot - 3, Grav Belt - 1,
Zero-G - 1, Forgery - 1, Gambling - 1, Engineering - 2,
Liaison - 2, Ships Boat - 1, Disguise - 1, Gravitics - 1,

Property: Credits: 50000
Scout (40 year loan), Low Passage, Possibly Psionic
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=E6664401
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
11 9 9 3 11 7 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = no
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian
Rank: O2 Warrior
Song - 1, Survival - 1, Hunting - 1, Long Blade - 3,
Small Blade - 1, Tactics - 2, Recon - 1, Bow - 1,
Early Firearms - 1, Streetwise - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Property: Credits: 4000
Weapon, High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
2 10 10 5 12 12 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Naval academy honors grad law = moderate
government = char. dictator
Flight school graduate tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Flyer World COACC Orbit office
Rank: O3 Flight Lieutenant
Awards: MCUFx3, Purple Heartx2, Command Clustersx2, Combat Ribbonsx5,
Pilot Wings,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Navigation - 2,
Pilot - 1, Handgun - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1, Liaison - 1,
Ships Boat - 1, Screens - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
12 8 14 6 7 8 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = high
law = high
government = rep. democracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Army Cavalry branch medic
Rank: O3 Captain
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Psi - 3, Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 2,
Heavy Weap - 1, Brawling - 1, Sensor Ops - 1, Instruction - 1,
Forward Obs - 1, Medical - 1, Recon - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
Weapon, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 8 7 4 11 6 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = colonial
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Police
Rank: O2 Sergeant
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Trader - 1, Interrogation - 1, Gambling - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
5 9 8 9 6 11 size = large
age: 26 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = no
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Line/Crew branch
Rank: E5 Petty Officer 2nd Class
Awards: MCGx2, MCUFx2, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx4,
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, SubMG - 1, Vacc Suit - 4,
Zero-G - 1, Ships Boat - 1, Liaison - 2, Carousing - 1,

Property: Credits: 50000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
11 14 7 10 15 8 size = large
age: 62 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 62 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Scouts Bureaucracy Operations office
Rank: E9 Senior Superviser Pension: 20000
Grav Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Energy Weap - 3, Vacc Suit - 1,
Pilot - 2, Survey - 1, Intrusion - 1, Admin - 2,
Biology - 1, Herding - 0, Linguistics - 2, Gravitics - 1,
Electronics - 2, Gambling - 1, Commo - 1, Carousing - 1,
Spinal Weap - 0, Navigation - 2, Broker - 0, Engineering - 1,
Brawling - 0, Turret Weap - 1,
Property: Credits: 300000
Scout (40 year loan), Weaponx3, Low Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=E6662001
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
10 8 10 9 14 7 size = medium
age: 26 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 26 hydro = wet
population = low
PreInd Univ honors grad law = no
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian
Rank: O2 Warrior(Scouts Administration E2 ret.)
Blowgun - 2, Mechanical - 1, Equestrian - 1, Vacc Suit - 1,
Forensics - 1, Research - 1, Theology - 1, Acting - 1,
Rifleman - 0, Pilot - 1, Admin - 2, Robot Ops - 1,
Long Blade - 2, Tactics - 1, Brawling - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=E6662001
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
10 12 11 9 9 10 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = low
PreInd Tech Univ grad law = no
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian medic
Rank: O4 Chieftain
Survival - 1, Electronics - 0, Blowgun - 0, Hunting - 2,
Acting - 1, Recruiting - 1, Mechanical - 1, Computer - 0,
Long Blade - 2, Guard/Hunt Beast - 1, Carousing - 1, Artisan - 1,
Bribery - 0, Tactics - 2, Medical - 1, Brawling - 1,
Interrogation - 1, Early Firearms - 2,
Property: Credits: 1000
High Passage, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 7 9 12 2 9 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 38 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
government = char. dictator
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Engineering office
Rank: O0 Asst Drive Hand Pension: 10000
Psi - 8, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Farming - 1, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Jack-o-Trades - 3,
Gambling - 2, Streetwise - 1, Engineering - 3, Admin - 3,
Pilot - 1, Trader - 1, Special Psi - 8, Teleportation - 8,
Telepathy - 8,
Property: Credits: 70000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ other human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 8 11 9 8 7 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Scouts Field Commo office medic
Rank: E7 Asst Supervisor(Marines Support E6 ret.)
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Song - 0, Disguise - 1,
Small Blade - 1, Energy Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 0, Long Blade - 1,
Medical - 2, Forgery - 1, Electronics - 1, Cmbt Engineer - 1,
Mechanical - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, Tactics - 1, Pilot - 1,
Hunting - 1, Zero-G - 1, Navigation - 1, Carousing - 0,

Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.T.S. Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
6 11 8 5 13 6 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Tech School honors grad law = moderate
Technical Academy grad government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Engineering office
Rank: O1 Drive Hand
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 4, Dance - 1, Bow - 0,
Mechanical - 1, Electronics - 3, Jack-o-Trades - 3, Energy Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 1, Gambling - 1, Trader - 1, Commo - 1,
Liaison - 1,
Property: Credits: 10000
Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 5 9 11 12 10 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = low
Merchant academy honors grad law = low
government = balkanization
Flight school graduate tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Merchant Subsector-wide line Purser office
Rank: O3 Purser
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 4, Electronics - 1,
Liaison - 1, Pilot - 3, Ships Boat - 2, Handgun - 0,
Gambling - 2, Bribery - 1, Steward - 3, Legal - 1,
Streetwise - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Weaponx2, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
8 6 3 10 8 8 size = medium
age: 42 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 42 hydro = wet
population = moderate
Merchant academy grad law = moderate
government = feudal
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Deck office
Rank: O3 Broker Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Equestrian - 1, Acting - 1,
Paint/Sculpture - 1, Prop Aircraft - 1, Admin - 2, Handgun - 0,
Vacc Suit - 0, Ships Boat - 2, Leadership - 2, Legal - 1,
Gambling - 3, Jack-o-Trades - 2, Pilot - 1,
Property: Credits: 30000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Ph.D. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
6 11 11 8 12 9 size = large
age: 34 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 34 hydro = wet
population = moderate
University honors grad law = low
Graduate School graduate honors government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: journalist
Rank: O2 Senior Reporter
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Paint/Sculpture - 2, Physics - 1, Music - 1,
Gravitics - 4, Admin - 1, Robotics - 1, Interview - 1,
Handgun - 0, Jack-o-Trades - 1, Forgery - 2, Streetwise - 2,
Sensor Ops - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Middle Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = C
9 9 6 10 9 11 size = large
age: 38 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 38 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = avg stellar
Career: Merchant Interface line Sales office
Rank: O3 Broker Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 3, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,
Admin - 1, Engineering - 4, Pilot - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 0,
Gravitics - 1, Leadership - 0, Broker - 1, Liaison - 1,
Commo - 1, Trader - 2, Streetwise - 1, Carousing - 1,

Property: Credits: 45000
Low Passagex2,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
5 11 8 8 11 8 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = high
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant Megacorp Engineering office
Rank: O2 Asst Engineer
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Song - 1,
Energy Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 3, Gambling - 2, Admin - 1,
Gravitics - 2, Legal - 1, Engineering - 3, Trader - 2,
Jack-o-Trades - 1, Navigation - 1, Electronics - 1,
Property: Credits: 50000
Weapon, Low Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
11 8 9 7 9 4 size = small
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = high
law = moderate
government = civ. bureaucracy
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Marines Support branch
Rank: O4 Force Commander(Merchant Free Trader O1 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heartx2, Command Clusters, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Psi - 6, Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Computer - 0, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Small Blade - 1, Naval Architect - 1, Energy Weap - 3, Vacc Suit - 0,
Legal - 1, Clairvoyance - 6, Long Blade - 1, Brawling - 1,
Tactics - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, Cmbt Engineer - 2,
Property: Credits: 30000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ M.D. Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
10 6 9 8 12 7 size = medium
age: 34 atmosphere = thin
appearent age: 34 hydro = desert
population = moderate
University honors grad law = moderate
Medical School graduate honors government = feudal
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: farmer medic
Rank: O3 (Doctor O3 ret.)
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Polearm - 1, Archaeology - 1,
Cryonics - 1, Mechanical - 1, Geology - 1, Medical - 5,
Admin - 1, SubMG - 0, Electronics - 3, Robot Ops - 1,
Farming - 1, Brawling - 1, Equestrian - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Weapon, Travellers Aid Society,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
7 10 11 10 11 11 size = medium
age: 38 atmosphere = exotic
appearent age: 38 hydro = wet
population = moderate
law = low
government = colonial
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Navy Imperial Navy Gunnery branch
Rank: O6 Captain(Police O2 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heart, Command Clusters, Combat Ribbonsx7,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Mechanical - 1, Acting - 0,
Prop Aircraft - 0, SubMG - 0, Streetwise - 3, Polearm - 0,
Admin - 1, Commo - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Electronics - 1,
Demolitions - 1, Fleet Tactics - 1, Liaison - 1, Spinal Weap - 1,
Turret Weap - 2, Sensor Ops - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Pilot - 1,

Property: Credits: 70000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=X6662001
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = X
11 10 11 11 8 5 size = medium
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = wet
population = low
law = no
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian medic
Rank: O5 Chief
Swimming - 1, Electronics - 1, Long Blade - 3, Leadership - 2,
Sling - 1, Brawling - 1, Mechanical - 1, Early Firearms - 3,
Instruction - 1, Medical - 2, Tactics - 3,
Property: Credits: 2000
High Passagex3,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
9 6 8 11 11 11 size = small
age: 30 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 30 hydro = dry
population = moderate
law = low
government = balkanization
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Engineering office
Rank: O1 Drive Hand
Wheeled Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Stealth - 1, Energy Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 0, Gravitics - 3, Liaison - 1, Commo - 2,
Mechanical - 1, Admin - 1,
Property: Credits: 1000
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=X6662001
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = X
10 10 12 8 6 10 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = low
law = no
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian
Rank: O3 Leader
Mechanical - 1, Hunting - 1, Long Blade - 2, Intrusion - 1,
Survival - 2, Early Firearms - 2, Stealth - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human female UWP=X6662001
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = X
10 8 8 8 11 9 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 22 hydro = wet
population = low
law = no
government = none
tech lvl = pre-industrial
Career: Barbarian medic
Rank: O2 Warrior
Small Boat - 1, Rifleman - 1, Long Blade - 4, Leadership - 2,
Medical - 1, Interrogation - 2,
Property: Credits: 4000
High Passage,
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = B
6 8 9 11 7 9 size = medium
age: 22 atmosphere = dense
appearent age: 22 hydro = desert
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = pre-stellar
Career: wealthy traveller
Wheeled Vehicle - 2, Vacc Suit - 2, Handgun - 0, Guard/Hunt Beast - 1,
Leadership - 1,
Property: Credits: 0
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = A
10 8 9 12 8 11 size = large
age: 42 atmosphere = standard
appearent age: 42 hydro = dry
population = high
law = moderate
government = rep. demcoracy
tech lvl = high stellar
Career: Merchant Fledgling line Purser office medic
Rank: O4 1st Officer Pension: 12000
Psi - 5, Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Prop Aircraft - 1,
Dance - 1, Laser Weap - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, Steward - 3,
Polearm - 0, Brawling - 1, Zero-G - 1, Ships Boat - 2,
Bribery - 0, Broker - 1, Gambling - 1, Trader - 3,
Liaison - 2, Telepathy - 5, Telekinesis - 5, Clairvoyance - 5,
Medical - 1, Admin - 1, Jack-o-Trades - 0,
Property: Credits: 25000
Free Trader (40 year loan),
Character Description

Name: _________________________ Imperial human male
str dex end int edu soc Home World: star port = E
6 11 9 11 12 6 size = small
age: 38 atmosphere = vacuum
appearent age: 38 hydro = water
population = moderate
law = moderate
government = balkanization
tech lvl = early stellar
Career: Merchant Free Trader Deck office
Rank: O3
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Streetwise - 1, Vacc Suit - 1,
SubMG - 0, Long Blade - 1, Engineering - 2, Admin - 2,
Navigation - 3, Ships Boat - 1, Leadership - 1, Legal - 2,
Commo - 2, Broker - 2, Spinal Weap - 1, Brawling - 1,
Steward - 1, Forgery - 1,
Property: Credits: 120000
Low Passage,