bayern talks about how they pass through part of the american arm, before leaving it to go far far away, I think they are talking 200-300 ly out. its a major major exploration.
the little guys are 4 armed monkeys who have nuked them selves to the stone age.
the ARGA is like nothing a human can describe.
the book provides an amazing setting, and background information for something somewhat star-trek like "something new every episode", as they travel towards their destination (the Pleides star cluster).
Earth/CyberTech has good background info, but all of the stats on countries seems kinda wack.
I'm unsure if I am reading it wrong all these times, or if 5 diferent people made up numbers for a series of stats, and never talked to one another.
the Cybertech part is limited, and rather dated when you compare it to anything current (cyberpunk 2020).
the OQC idea is cool. but flawed, since there is no writing anywhere about any kind of orbital cargo areas besides the beanstalk.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, I think the SOL system is one of the most HIGHLY underdeveloped parts of the game setting.
theres just SO much stuff in our own system, right THERE (not ly away) for the plucking.
in my view of 2300ad, theres a big collection of stuff in our solar system.