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2300AD setting as a basis for a Traveller campaign?

Has anyone used the 2300 background and setting for a CT/MT campaign. It seems sort of obvious in a way but I have never seen anyone suggest it.
Yeah. Our group took a detour into Twilight: 2000 for a while (and we're still there, sometimes...), which grew into 2300. That's when we got the grand idea to do a "family tree".
Our campaign is based on using T:2K AND T:2300 as the history for the development of the Solomani. The Kafer War is what gave the Solomani the unity and the aggressive technology which allowed them to stomp all over the Vilani in the Interstellar Wars.
Without that...well, a Terran victory never made all that much sense. Besides, when GDW started developing its house system - it looked as if ALL three games could be united.
The continuity suggested by these three products seemed to make them a perfect fit.
Do you mean that the 2300 timeline melds into the Traveller timeline, so that shortly after the Kafer war the Americans (who else ;) ) make contact with the Vilani.

Or do you mean using the CT/MT rules to run 2300?

If the former - yes.

If the later - no, I always used a variant of T2000 1st ed to run 2300 ;)
Do you mean that the 2300 timeline melds into the Traveller timeline, so that shortly after the Kafer war the Americans (who else ) make contact with the Vilani.
Nope. Forget the Vilani, Sylea, the Vargr, etc etc...

Or do you mean using the CT/MT rules to run 2300?
Yes more or less. Basically taking the setting and facts of 2300 and running a campaign with CT/MT [although yes I do know that MT was meant to be wedded to a particulr background or millieu.
why american ? in 2300 ad it's 3 nation to be major: american, french, and china.

each nation must be react differently with alien contact(american : they are not real, french : did you know wine and cheese ? and china : by Mao, are you communist?)
Until I arrived here on CotI, the idea of mixing up the Traveller and Traveller 2300/2300AD milieus never occured to me.

The hyperdrive tech, stutterwarp, behind 2300AD, the limits of which bind and drive a great deal of the background of the game (just as it does in the OTU) were so great that it would have seemed like too much work to alter all that background to integrate the histories.

However, I look at it a little differnetly now. I still wouldn't have wanted to do the background alteration work, but it's much more interesting an idea now.
I've gone the other way: Using 2300 rules to run CT! I assumed for that purpose that Stutterwarp was a variant J2 drive. Slow stutterwarp was a variant J1.

Then again, some early reviews said that Traveller 2300 was pre-vilani-contact OTU.
Well, since I got the 2300 rules as a download form drivethrurpg and have been playing with them I find that I like the fit and some of it makes a little more sense than the whole Ancients/3rd Imperium scenario and it gives a new flavor.

Prior to looking at 2300AD I have been developing a IMTU/pocket empire game where there are 7 pocket empires based on the pre- first world war empires of Europe that gave each empire the advantages and disadvantages of the great powers.
[eg. Britain has a fleet that is higher in tech and double the size of the next 2 powers but a small professionall army, Germany -- late to acquire colonies but a superior army and growing first rate navy, the decaying Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires trying to quell [planetary] nationalism, etc etc.]

I've had fun doing it and have been able to use my large library of book son the period to create fleets and armies down to similar organizations plus the fun of a large unexplored sector much like 19th century Africa and a sector akin to Asia with a collapsing "Chinese" empire being carved up.
I like it. I have added the Vilani as secretive bad guys in my 2300AD game. The poor Solomani just don't know what they are about to encounter....
The 2320 rules (T20 add-on) will bring the setting closer to CT/MT terms, and make the switch easier.
I might use the CT/MT rules to run a 2300 AD campaign.

2300 AD will never be melded into the timeline of Traveller - it's a different story, pal!
I meant by myself, as a referee or player. That limk is cool, and useful for anyone who wants to do such.
Originally posted by Aramis:
Then again, some early reviews said that Traveller 2300 was pre-vilani-contact OTU.
I think I might have seen the same reviews,
because that's always the way I'd seen it.
I have used the scenarios in Challenge many times to simulate a low tech environment.

Twilight, I love to use for the classic survival adventures (alone against the elements) that require cross planet journeys to make their way back to mocrum of civilizations and also to give a feel for what Blackened War worlds look like in Hard Times. And, 2300AD/T:2300 is perfect for the Pocket Empires that arise in Chartered Space after the disintegration of Third Imperium and also for Rim Explorations by the Solomani.
Usually the following: shattered remains of major cities, or Imperial run Emergency Starports; places not touched by the nuclear bombardment offering shelter; or turning them away to preserve their own; those "other" starports, off the beaten path, etc.