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2300AD Psionics

If I recall correctly, the alien corpse discovered in the Nyotekundu scenario is from a telepathic species.

Are there any other references to psionics in the 2300AD canon which anyone is aware of?
Originally posted by Balbinus:
If I recall correctly, the alien corpse discovered in the Nyotekundu scenario is from a telepathic species.

Are there any other references to psionics in the 2300AD canon which anyone is aware of?
There is the tele(m)pathic alien, the Telempathic plant (in that module), certain suggestions in the Xiang racial description, and Telepathy is mentioned as a possible form of communication with the Agra Intelligences in the Bayern module, which are capable of doing truly extraordinary things, such as N-spatial rotations, teleportation, and weaving light...
Originally posted by SteveC:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Balbinus:
If I recall correctly, the alien corpse discovered in the Nyotekundu scenario is from a telepathic species.

Are there any other references to psionics in the 2300AD canon which anyone is aware of?
There is the tele(m)pathic alien, the Telempathic plant (in that module), certain suggestions in the Xiang racial description, and Telepathy is mentioned as a possible form of communication with the Agra Intelligences in the Bayern module, which are capable of doing truly extraordinary things, such as N-spatial rotations, teleportation, and weaving light... </font>[/QUOTE]The AGRAs are off the scale in terms of power anyway. The plant was certainly telepathic, I'm not sure about the alien (the plant could just be good at receiving thoughts).And I don't think the Xiang are telepathic, they just have more means of communication than humans do.
If I ran the plant scenario I'd probably have it as a physical parasite that attacks one of the NPCs (think Quatermass), I found the telepathy aspect of the adventure a little jarring with the overall feel of 2300 (IMVHO).

- Rob.