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2300 Combat Equpment Guide

wile clasic traveller had a somewhat generic feal to it when it came to equpment and encouraged the implomtaison of "Gun, Gun +1". to add varity to the equpment at large 23AD gave suspifics and details for the equpment to be had espechily the small arms but had a limeted number, just enough to get the campain going, we (the groupe I played with)expected more kit to be released in sorce books and adventures we moved on to other games with out aquiering many of the sereas we expected somthing along the lines of a combat equpment guide like the weapons guides released for T2K or the 2300AD Ground Vechicle & Equpment Guides if the game had they bean released we may have kept with it longer. I'm starting this thread so as to encourafe people to post any kind of combat equpment Weapons, Armor or any other tactical gear.
hear is an alternitve rifle for use buy Japanese troops and mercs.

Once Japan entered the Central Asian War (2282-2287) it became clear that the Type-79 wile a good civil defense and peace time service rifle it left things to be desired as a war-service rifle, particularly against modern Body Armors. The Japanese M.O.D. insisted on a rifle with better penetration and stopping power, what they got was marginal improvement ballistics wise with improved sights so it satisfied the Bureaucrats therefore the Type-82 entered limited production. The Type-82 is a 7.5 X 32mm assault rifle at this time (2300AD) found in the hands of the Imperial Marines as well as a limited number of category-A formations serving in an RDF capacity the rifle is beginning to become severely dated and a temporary replacement is bean sought wile the proposed Gauss Rifle replacement for the Type-79 is developed. The weapon may be appearing in the general market place with-out the integral grenade launcher (that adds 1.5 kg to the weight of the weapon) estimated price is to be between 300 & 350 Lv.

Type: 7.5 mm assault rifle Country: Japan Weight (Empty): 3kg Length: 80cm (Bulk=2) Action: Single Shot or Bursts Ammunition: 7.5 X 32mm fixed cartridge ball Muzzle Velocity: 900 mps Magazine: 40 rounds Magazine Weight: 0.6kg ROF: 3 Aimed Fire Range: 750m Area Fire Burst: 10 (AFV=1) Area Fire Range: 500m DP Value: 0.8 Price: not generally available
Raider specks
Developed indepentaly by both the French and US for use by forces raiding Kafer ships and camps so as to prevent eye irritation and head aches that can impair combat performance induced by the Kafer preferred lighting mix. The materials used in their manufacture where reverse engineered from "Toy Goggles" found on larger Kafer ships. The materials have bean worked in to goggles, visors and spectacles offering eye protection against harmful UV light. Polarized versions are replacing traditional shooting glasses in both military and civilian circles and becoming popular on the French arm and amongst some earth side gangs replacing sunglasses as it allows their victims to see the seriousness in their eyes. The substances are also finding their way in to home and vehicle glassing laminates providing superior UV protection without compromising view.

Goggles or Visor: Lv100
Spectacles: Lv70-80 (more for fashion labels)
I'd suggest looking up the etranger site at: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~dheb/2300/Admin/Index1.htm

Ignore the Australian stuff, the author posits general long term conscription and an army which is per capita larger than the Soviet Union or Red China (and in real terms larger than the 2300 Manchurian Army).

Blowing my own trumpet, http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~dheb/2300/Europe/UK/UK/Britinfeq.htm might be interesting...

Also, anyone boarding a ship is going to do it in an armoured vacc suit, see http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~dheb/2300/Europe/UK/UK/UKRedRM.htm

Fract Grenade

The “Fract Grenade” was developed by a company called Texas Chemicals (TX Chem.) to exploit the vagaries of the Kafer visual range originally intended as a prismatic aerosol device after the facts about the Kafer eye-sight where leant it was believed that their was more cash to be maid countering Kafers than lasers. The “Fract grenade” releases a near transparent mist that reacts with UV band light to absorb and transfer it in to normal human visible light placing Kafers at a disadvantage and in otherwise dark situations (for humans operating in UV only conditions) providing at least some working light. The original prismatic aerosol design is still under development but has bean put on the back burner. The grenade comes in two forms a large with an area effect equal to the 30mm propelled Grenade and a small equal to a standard hand grenade

Large: Lv 15 (.6kg)
Small: Lv 10 (.4kg)
Why thank you Bryn for calling upon others to ignore my stuff. Especially in such a nasty way that totally overlooks what everyone else – except you – accepts as the basic facts of 2300AD. I.e. the New Canberra population of 98 million are all Australians.

Obviously you haven't been able to understand what I posit in the overview description about national service in 2300AD. Perhaps you try and read it:


Of course trying to develop a future world which is more than slightly different to ours now is beyond your capacity to understand but I will keep on trying. As for you please don’t be so discourteous to someone who you owe more to in terms of the intellectual development of 2300AD that you are willing to credit.
This is an interesting point about UV light and the differences between Kafer vision and humans. I don't think anyone has tried to wedge this difference before - focusing more on new ways to blow them up in conventional manners rather than to disable them based on their unique physiology. Maybe in 2300AD on the Kafer Front there will be a lot of UV lasers around the place to blind the Kafers - but they will probably do as much damage to humans.
Hey I know lots of AJ's and they all arc up if things are less than pleasent, and know that you don't shoot of fight well wtih sore wattery eyes or a sore head either hence the specks and its hard to fight what you cant see
so the Fract Grenade and any one not willing to exploit an enemies weekness derserves to get themselves killed and homeland invaded.
I'v got an idear for a seditive gas Grenade but dont know when we learn enugh about the Kafers to have it introduced ie. when to we learn about the stresses induced smartness and about their internal chemestry to discover workable seditives???
Field Scanner

The Large Life Form Detector is of limited use for military forces due to its limited durability and ease to evade detection given modern IR masking equipment and doctrine the same applies for Motion Trackers like those used in Search & Rescue operations, the most resent generation of Infantry field sensors, The Field Scanner ties improved IR capabilities with the most resent Doppler-Shift Discrimination filtered Ultra-sound Scanner with a IFF reader in to the one high impact housing. First introduced a little over a decade ago their has bean no major conflict since they went in to wide disbursement their has bean no countermeasures developed that have proven constantly effective. Given resent improvements in manufacturing techniques the durability resolution and affordability have increased.

The maximum effective range is 1km in terran conditions in open country, extraterrestrial conditions, terrain and man made features can effect this range.

Weight: 3kg Sensor Range: 1000m (+2/+1) Price: Lv500
(the lower bonus is used when currant doctrine and equipment to defeat either the IR or ultrasound components)
Well I may as well mention my stuff which I designed (and had approved) for the PBeM campaign I'm in.

New Pistols (+ a holdout pistols supplement), new SMGs plus a weapons manufacturer's piece (to give a guide for future weapons) and an ammunition overview.
There is also an upcoming addition to the rifles and a brand new melee weapons section (with a big nod to Joel Lovell's work for some of the basics esp. additions to Melee Range) with some high tech variant melee weapons included.

Players should look under the The Player Reference

GM's may want to check the GM only bit

since there are some Ref only bits for some weapons. There is also an suggested change to damage/penetration by different weapon types (Gauss, APHE etc) in there.

Oh, the GM's written some things too

Note that I fully accept that I incorporated and modified some weapons produced by others (and centrally reposited at Marc A. Volovic's Great Book of Weapons site) because we needed a 'quick start' but I wanted to make sure all the different weapons had a more harmonious feel once we got going.
Apologies to those who don't like the changes I've made ... at least once I've found out more and changed the weapon back to the original specs so I know I got some things wrong!
Originally posted by A. Gubler in the 24th Century:
This is an interesting point about UV light and the differences between Kafer vision and humans. I don't think anyone has tried to wedge this difference before - focusing more on new ways to blow them up in conventional manners rather than to disable them based on their unique physiology. Maybe in 2300AD on the Kafer Front there will be a lot of UV lasers around the place to blind the Kafers - but they will probably do as much damage to humans.
I've run the Kafer wars allot way back when All my players (in Hawaii at the time) where military from every banch of the service. Saw allot of interesting Kafer countering tactics.By far one of the best (done by a Navy guy)was the use of the anti IR smoke grenades used as trip mines.It had odd effects on theKafer,most of them just hunkered down till it passed.We reasoned that it would have a similar effect as a sand storm does on humans....You just wait till it passes.