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MGT Only: 200-ton modular far trader

Not all starships in Traveller will be sleek and smooth with aerodynamic hulls, that old adage of form following function definitely applies here.

I would imagine many ships live-out their entire career as freight haulers or transports without ever entering a planet's atmosphere, orbital facilities as well as their own auxiliary craft eliminating a need to do such.
Not all starships in Traveller will be sleek and smooth with aerodynamic hulls, that old adage of form following function definitely applies here.

I would imagine many ships live-out their entire career as freight haulers or transports without ever entering a planet's atmosphere, orbital facilities as well as their own auxiliary craft eliminating a need to do such.

Very true. I tend to think that most small ships are intended for direct to surface travel. Mostly because I've always seen them as light duty vessels to service smaller companies, colonies, private clients etc...so they needed to be able to get to the surface without a hitch.

The bigger heavy haulers would be pretty ungainly to land. A streamlined skyscraper still has to find open space big enough for a skyscraper to land in.

and I don't know anyone who would be real comfortable with something the size of a major down town building hovering over head.
One of the many and varied reasons for High port stations, then. Next issue: Getting the stuff downstairs again. Solution: Shuttle runs, beanstalks, etc.

Failing the availability of a high port, stick the downport somewhere isolated, like the middle of a desert or some such, that way, accidents won't splatter lots of the local inhabitants.

Of course, then you've got the classic problem of "how the hell do we move Heathrow Downport?!".

You're on your own for that one ;)
One of the many and varied reasons for High port stations, then. Next issue: Getting the stuff downstairs again. Solution: Shuttle runs, beanstalks, etc.

Failing the availability of a high port, stick the downport somewhere isolated, like the middle of a desert or some such, that way, accidents won't splatter lots of the local inhabitants.

Of course, then you've got the classic problem of "how the hell do we move Heathrow Downport?!".

You're on your own for that one ;)

abut a year ago I submitted my draft to mongoose..it's accepted...but, It got held up by the revision process. ... me and my timing.

the first section of the 130ish pages is on pods, shuttles utility craft, modules,ship facilities etc....now all I have to do is re-crunch the numbers fix a few details and you have all of your transport and cargo transfer needs handled.

which is why I was joking with BrandnC when I said I am glad my draft is already in.... he has some of the same ideas I did. Geesh I might have to arrange an accident to get rid f the competition ( JOKE!!!!!!!!)
"Unt, fur ze discerning Traffeller Referee vishingk to be ze top Vargr, ve haf der espodink dices, ze momend zer lant wiz der sext - seeks - ACH! SIX! - facing upvards, der boom, it ist occurink. OK?" ;)
which is why I was joking with BrandnC when I said I am glad my draft is already in.... he has some of the same ideas I did. Geesh I might have to arrange an accident to get rid f the competition ( JOKE!!!!!!!!)

I will admit I am mostly doing MgT versions of ship concepts from GT.
Failing the availability of a high port, stick the downport somewhere isolated, like the middle of a desert or some such, that way, accidents won't splatter lots of the local inhabitants.

Except all the local inhabitants of the downport itself.

Try again! :p
Well, yes, except them. Can't make an omelette... ...yeeeeeah... ok, bad simile... my bad... ;)

Visitor: So why is this called the New New New Yorkshire....

Local: Well it took three times before they learned to put the space port way over yonder....But we got crater lake, New Crater lake, and Greater Crater lake to visit Now...fishin is pretty good. just watch out fer the ones with three Eyes.

Visitor: Three eyed fish?

Local: nah man, the people...