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With all this wonderful discourse about the ressurection of T2K, and 2300AD I beg the question, ladies and gentlemen, what of that most capital of games, Space:1889?

Why, dash it all, has there been no discussion of Red Captains, the Astutapes, and the exploration of the Yucatan? Where are those extrordinary servants of Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, our Queen? I should think that with our most Modern media, we should find ourselves nearly aflutter with anticipation for words of glory found in the laboratory, the skies, the seas. Yet we've had none. NONE I tell you.
Your diligent correspondance on this matter is most urgently requested.

With thanks, Your Ob'nt Sev't,
Reginald Stamford-Drake

Captain, 2nd Bat'n, 1st Martian Rifles (the Parhoons)
at the Explorer's Club, Parhoon, Crown Colony of Syrtis Major
Funny you should mention 1889!!! Even "ol" Trader Jim has the WHOLE set!!!...What a HOOT!!!
I say, old chap, Ill have a Gin and Tonic, say what??....Bloody Wogs...(i never figured out what a wog was)
Originally posted by trader jim:
Funny you should mention 1889!!! Even "ol" Trader Jim has the WHOLE set!!!...What a HOOT!!!
I say, old chap, Ill have a Gin and Tonic, say what??....Bloody Wogs...(i never figured out what a wog was)
Old British saying, IIRC: "The wogs begin at Calais."

1889 is a blast, but I don't think Marc Miller owns it. I think that honor belong to Frank Chadwick. Heliograph recently ran a reprint, but didn't make anything new for it.
Wouldn't be so bad, but with Pirates o/t Caribbean and League of Extrordanary Gentlemen coming out, it's got my jones for a bit of the Raj up...And THEN AMC showed "Zulu" the other day...yeesh!

BTW, if'n you want some SERIOUSLY inspirational reading for 1889, try SM Stirling's new AltHist book, "The Peshwar Lancers"... oh, man what a kick! Try a British Lancers officer in a sabre duel with a Russian Okhrana operative (and Very Bad Man) on the top of a dirigible over the Afghan Frontier...WHOO-HOO :eek:
I do expect a video game to be out soon based on the L.E.G.

Space 1889 was enjoyable. No elves, some fantasy, some sci-fi, manners a priority, and flying sailing ships.
It was fun to play.
I am still waiting for a movie to come out based on the Red Captains.
Originally posted by Colin:
Old British saying, IIRC: "The wogs begin at Calais."

1889 is a blast, but I don't think Marc Miller owns it. I think that honor belong to Frank Chadwick. Heliograph recently ran a reprint, but didn't make anything new for it.
Hey, I'm about the only registered user of the 1889 Character Sheet Program... At least according to the author.

It was fun, and it was almost the house engine....
I played one brief 1889 campaign during college -- and we even got our Professor of British History to play in our sessions twice -- I had a character who was an adventurer under a contract with Pear's Soap (the first company to really do advertising in the modern sense -- their most famous campaign was showing pro-Pear's Soap grafitti in the most unlikely places... in central Africa, etc.).

So, my character carried around a large set of chalk, paint and a large camera -- so he could cruise the canals of Mars and draw up giant "Pears' Soap Is the Best!" adverts wherever he happened to be adventuring.
Loved the setting, loved Sky Galleons of Mars even more (the board game of Arial Combat associated with it), I'm mean I played it regularly for a couple of years and I normally hate wargames, but the 1889 rules I always found rather clunky and increasingly I either use my Traveller hybrid (CT/MT with bits of T4) or BRP (Cthulhu by Gaslight has sooo many possibilities).

After GDW dropped the game it lay fallow for a while, then it was licensed to Heliograph for the reprints a few years back (thanks to which I have replaced all the RPG books, although I have never yet got a copy of Soldier's Companion) and they also published a lot of fine stuff in the Transactions of the Royal Martian Geographical Society (TRMGS) magazine, but that license lapsed / was dropped a couple of years backs.

But I believe that it is all still owned by it's creator, the inestimable Mr Frank Chadwick, and from discussions at the Yahoo Groups 1889 list, I have got the impression that whilst he might be interested in licensing it to a suitable publishers, he is NOT interested in a d20 version.

I heartily recommend the Yahoo group btw - generally very civilized and scarily well informed bunch and one of the more active lists on the net.


Nick Middleton
Mr. Gallowglass!

I'm quite interested in hearing what your particular blend of Traveller rules is. Please post a summary in IMTU or Traveller5 or CT or Lone Star... or wherever you think appropriate for that kind of post.


Originally posted by Ganidiirsi O'Flynn:
Wouldn't be so bad, but with Pirates o/t Caribbean and League of Extrordanary Gentlemen coming out, it's got my jones for a bit of the Raj up...And THEN AMC showed "Zulu" the other day...yeesh!

BTW, if'n you want some SERIOUSLY inspirational reading for 1889, try SM Stirling's new AltHist book, "The Peshwar Lancers"... oh, man what a kick! Try a British Lancers officer in a sabre duel with a Russian Okhrana operative (and Very Bad Man) on the top of a dirigible over the Afghan Frontier...WHOO-HOO :eek:
Ah the good old days! Have the whole set also
and over a 100 Canal Martians (still don't know why lol). It was and is a great system! I got re-inspired by the release of "The Four Feathers" so I sunk back in before you.....No need to feel bad...
Originally posted by trader jim:
Funny you should mention 1889!!! Even "ol" Trader Jim has the WHOLE set!!!...What a HOOT!!!
I say, old chap, Ill have a Gin and Tonic, say what??....Bloody Wogs...(i never figured out what a wog was)
As I heard it, someone decided that it was Wrong to refer to Indians, Chinese, etc. with the usual ugly bits of slang and insisted that all such should henceforth be referred to as "Worthy Oriental Gentlemen."

This quickly degenerated into "wogs", proving once again that simply changing labels does not change peoples' attitudes.
Another traditional quote in re "Wogs" is

"Wogs begin at Calais."

Which implies the frogs are wogs, too... (Frogs, derogitory for Frenchmen.)
Wog is a derrogatory term for anyone non-british. It has a lot of the negative baggage as the term '⌧' but applies to many more people.

It was also common 'milspeak' in the late 1980's early nineties (in Canada at least) as a generic negative suffix. Someone in a 'tail' as opposed to 'tooth' section of the forces might be called a 'Logistics-Wog' while the Reg Force might refer to soldiers such as I was at the time as 'Militia-Wogs'.
Originally posted by Don M:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Secrect Cow Level:
:D Tonight we're going to party like it's 1889!....er...sorry. :(
LOL, sung like the very model of a modern Major General. BTW take a look at this for further inspiration........ ;)

</font>[/QUOTE]This is wonderful! Check out the Landships section. I especially like the velocipede torpedos. Bikes with bombs!

And the bronze bunny...