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12 Crunchy T20 Starship Designs

Nice ships. But I see you are departing from semi-canon in having mixed laser turrets on the same vessel? (ie the Close Escort having both beam and pulse lasers). Nothing wrong with it of course, was just curious.
Originally posted by Ellros:
Nice ships. But I see you are departing from semi-canon in having mixed laser turrets on the same vessel? (ie the Close Escort having both beam and pulse lasers). Nothing wrong with it of course, was just curious.
Thanks! Not intentionally departing from canon, but the T20 starship design rules don't say anything about a restriction.

The mix actually came about out of feedback about the Close Escort, someone thought that having both would add to its appeal. I certainly prefer Pulse Lasers for most military applications.
Nice ships. But I see you are departing from semi-canon in having mixed laser turrets on the same vessel? (ie the Close Escort having both beam and pulse lasers). Nothing wrong with it of course, was just curious.
As long as the ship has less than 10 turrets, mixed weapons turrets are 'canon' now (THB pg 271, under Turret Weapons paragraph- "Ships with 10 or fewer turrets may mix the types of weapons mounted in each turret.").