Well, three in a row seems to be enough to pull me away from vital pre-lift procedures
<rant on>
kaladorn and boycey42, and maybe flykiller (though less specifically) do you have any concept of what you're asking with respect to deckplans for the ship's in either the CT or MT edition of "Fighting Ships"?
Most of those ships were several kilotons in size. Of the ones that weren't most had deckplans already in other publications. Have you tried doing deckplans for even a 1,000 ton ship? Trust me its no walk in the park to get it "right".
I'd rather not see a deckplan for say a Tigress thank-you. 500 kilotons is going to be a huge (and rather boring) book all by itself. And for what? Unless your game is going to be about active duty Imperial Naval officers and the ship is the whole setting (or mostly).
No, the big ships are there for background color and maybe the occasional visit. For that all you need is maybe a docking bay and some corridors to the visitors lounge, or the brig if that's where the PC's are being escorted.
And frankly given the quality and attention to detail (you know, little things like scale, function, and actual volume
) of many published deckplans for smaller ships, I'd expect anything in the kiloton range to be useless.
That's not to say I don't want deckplans. Just that I don't realistically expect or see a need for deckplans for any ship much over 1,000 tons. And for those I'd like to see much, much more attention given to making it "right" rather than "close enough" (and I don't mean the +/- 20%).
<rant off>
and like boycey42 it does feel good to get that off my chest, though I expect it isn't gone for good