What are the responsibilities of:
The Navy
Ministry of Justice field agents
In the third empire each world enforces its own laws, there are however certain laws, high justice, that everyone need to follow. Who enforces these laws? In most cases high justice crimes are also crimes in accordance with local law, and hence not a problem. If this is not the case could the perpetrator be extradited?
What about pirates, are they subjected to military law or would an antipirate task force be followed by an ministry of justice field agent?
What about terrorists? According to GT Ground forces the IISS S3 fought against solomani terrorists, is IISS responible for combatting terrorists?
How do all you handle law enforcement?
The Navy
Ministry of Justice field agents
In the third empire each world enforces its own laws, there are however certain laws, high justice, that everyone need to follow. Who enforces these laws? In most cases high justice crimes are also crimes in accordance with local law, and hence not a problem. If this is not the case could the perpetrator be extradited?
What about pirates, are they subjected to military law or would an antipirate task force be followed by an ministry of justice field agent?
What about terrorists? According to GT Ground forces the IISS S3 fought against solomani terrorists, is IISS responible for combatting terrorists?
How do all you handle law enforcement?